Get privacy policy
GET https://{domainname}/client/v1/{customerId}/services/privacypolicy
This call lets you request the privacy policy for a specific or all payment products in your account.
Query parameters
Query parameters for this method
Property | Type | Required | Repeat | Details |
locale | string | no | no | read close |
DescriptionLocale in which the privacy policy should be returned. Uses your default locale when none is provided.
paymentProductId | integer | no | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the payment product for which you wish to retrieve the privacy policy. When no ID is provided you will receive all privacy policies for your payment products.
Request example
SDK: Flutter
This scenario you will probably use the most
// In order to call this method, you must initialize the Connect SDK first. const paymentProductId = "1"; const paymentProductId = "en_US"; ConnectSDK.connectSDK.getClientApi().getPrivacyPolicy( paymentProductId: paymentProductId, locale: locale, onSuccess: (privacyPolicyResponse) { // Process PrivacyPolicyResponse object }, onApiError: (apiErrorResponse) { // Indicate that an API error occurred }, onFailure: (nativeException) { // Indicate that an error occurred } );
The response contains the HTML for the privacy policy.
Response 200 - OKGetPrivacyPolicyResponse
Your request was exectued successfully and the response contains any applicable privacy policy texts
Property | Type | Required | Details |
htmlContent | string | no | read close |
DescriptionHTML content to be displayed to the user
Response example
SDK: Flutter
This scenario you will probably use the most
{ "htmlContent" : "<h1>Privacy Notice</h1>\n..." }
Response 400 - Bad requestErrorResponse
Property | Type | Required | Details |
errorId | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionUnique reference, for debugging purposes, of this error response
array of object | yes | read close | |
DescriptionList of one or more errors
object | no | read close | |
category | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCategory the error belongs to. The category should give an indication of the type of error you are dealing with.
Possible values:
code | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionError code
httpStatusCode | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionHTTP status code for this error that can be used to determine the type of error
id | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the error. This is a short human-readable message that briefly describes the error.
message | string | no | read close |
DescriptionHuman-readable error message that is not meant to be relayed to customer as it might tip off people who are trying to commit fraud
propertyName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionReturned only if the error relates to a value that was missing or incorrect.
Contains a location path to the value as a JSonata query. Some common examples:
requestId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the request that can be used for debugging purposes
Response example
SDK: Flutter
This schenario you will probably use the most
{ "errorId" : "5c6d4ec2ca444060d13f3ff2d0647fb1", "errors" : [ { "code" : "1024", "id" : "SERVICE_NOT_ALLOWED", "category" : "CONNECT_PLATFORM_ERROR", "message" : "The requested service is not available.", "httpStatusCode" : 400 } ] }