Get payment product group
Product Groups
Through this API you can retrieve payment product groups. A payment product group has a collection of payment products that can be grouped together on a payment product selection page, and a set of fields to render on the payment product details page that allow to determine which payment product of the group the consumer wants to select. We currently support one payment product group, named cards, that has every credit card we support (and every debit card that behaves like a credit card). Its cardNumber field allows to determine the right payment product through a Get IIN details call.
Use this service if you are just interested in a particular payment product group. You can submit additional details on the transaction as filters. In that case, the group is returned only if it matches the filters, otherwise a 404 response is returned.
Query parameters
Query parameters for this method
Property | Type | Required | Repeat | Details |
countryCode | string | yes | no | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the transaction
currencyCode | string | yes | no | read close |
DescriptionThree-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
locale | string | no | no | read close |
DescriptionLocale used in the GUI towards the consumer. Please make sure that a language pack is configured for the locale you are submitting. If you submit a locale that is not setup on your account we will use the default language pack for your account. You can easily upload additional language packs and set the default language pack in the Configuration Center.
amount | integer | no | no | read close |
DescriptionAmount of the transaction in cents and always having 2 decimals
isRecurring | boolean | no | no | read close |
DescriptionThis allows you to filter groups based on their support for recurring, where a group supports recurring if it has at least one payment product that supports recurring
isInstallments | boolean | no | no | read close |
DescriptionThis allows you to filter payment products based on their support for installments or not
hide | string | no | yes | read close |
DescriptionAllows you to hide elements from the response, reducing the amount of data that needs to be returned to your client. Possible options are:
Request example
This scenario you will probably use the most
// In order to call this method, you must initialize the Connect SDK first. WCPaymentAmountOfMoney *amount = [[WCPaymentAmountOfMoney alloc] initWithTotalAmount:1000 currencyCode:@"EUR"]; WCPaymentContext *context = [[WCPaymentContext alloc] initWithAmountOfMoney:amount isRecurring:true countryCode:@"NL"]; NSString *paymentProductGroupId = @"cards"; [session paymentProductGroupWithId:paymentProductGroupId context:context success:^(WCPaymentProductGroup *paymentProductGroup) { // Process WCPaymentProductGroup object } failure:^(NSError *error) { // Indicate that an error occurred }];
Please find below an overview of the possible responses.
Response 200 - OKPaymentProductGroupResponse
The response contains the details of just one payment product group
Property | Type | Required | Details |
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionList of tokens for that payment product
object | no | read close | |
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionArray containing the details of the stored token
object | no | read close | |
key | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the key or property
mustWriteReason | enum | no | read close |
DescriptionThe reason why the status is MUST_WRITE. Currently only "IN_THE_PAST" is possible as value (for expiry date), but this can be extended with new values in the future.
status | enum | no | read close |
DescriptionPossible values:
value | string | no | read close |
DescriptionValue of the key or property
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing information for the client on how best to display this field
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionArray of attribute keys and their mask
object | no | read close | |
attributeKey | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the attribute that is shown to the customer on selection pages or screens
mask | string | no | read close |
DescriptionRegular mask for the attributeKey
Note: The mask is optional as not every field has a mask |
logo | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPartial URL that you can reference for the image of this payment product. You can use our server-side resize functionality by appending '?size={{width}}x{{height}}' to the full URL, where width and height are specified in pixels. The resized image will always keep its correct aspect ratio.
id | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the account on file record
paymentProductId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
allowsInstallments | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if the product supports installments
deviceFingerprintEnabled | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if device fingerprint is enabled for the product group
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing display hints like the order in which the product should be shown, the name of the product and the logo
displayOrder | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionDetermines the order in which the payment products and groups should be shown (sorted ascending)
label | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the payment product or group based on the locale that was included in the request
logo | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPartial URL that you can reference for the image of this payment product or group. You can use our server-side resize functionality by appending '?size={{width}}x{{height}}' to the full URL, where width and height are specified in pixels. The resized image will always keep its correct aspect ratio.
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing all the fields and their details that are associated with this payment product. If you are not interested in the data on the fields you should have us filter them our (using filter=fields in the query-string)
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing data restrictions that apply to this field, like minimum and/or maximum length
isRequired | boolean | no | read close |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the details of the validations on the field
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionIndicates the requiredness of the field based on the fiscalnumber for Boleto Bancario
fiscalNumberLength | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionWhen performing a payment with Boleto Bancario, some values are only required when the fiscalnumber has a specific length. The length the fiscalnumber has to have to make the field required is defined here.
For example the CompanyName is required when the fiscalnumber is a CNPJ. The firstname and surname are required when the fiscalnumber is a CPF.
emailAddress | object | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates that the content should be validated against the rules for an email address
expirationDate | object | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates that the content should be validated against the rules for an expiration date (it should be in the future)
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionIndicates that content should be one of the, in this object, listed items
allowedValues | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of the allowed values that the field will be validated against
iban | object | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates that the content of this (iban) field needs to validated against format checks and modulo check (as described in ISO 7064)
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionIndicates that the content needs to be validated against length criteria defined in this object
maxLength | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionThe maximum allowed length
minLength | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionThe minimum allowed length
luhn | object | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates that the content needs to be validated using a LUHN check
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionIndicates that the content needs to be validated against a, in this object, defined range
maxValue | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionUpper value of the range that is still valid
minValue | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionLower value of the range that is still valid
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionA string representing the regular expression to check
regularExpression | string | no | read close |
DescriptionContains the regular expression that the value of the field needs to be validated against
residentIdNumber | object | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates that the content needs to be validated as per the Chinese resident identity number format
termsAndConditions | object | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates that the content should be validated as such that the customer has accepted the field as if they were terms and conditions of a service
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing display hints for this field, like the order, mask, preferred keyboard
alwaysShow | boolean | no | read close |
displayOrder | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionThe order in which the fields should be shown (ascending)
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject detailing the type of form element that should be used to present the field
type | string | no | read close |
DescriptionType of form element to be used. The following types can be returned:
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionAn array of values and displayNames that should be used to populate the list object in the GUI
object | no | read close | |
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionList of extra data of the value.
object | no | read close | |
id | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe ID of the display element.
label | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe label of the display element.
type | enum | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of the display element. Indicates how the value should be presented. Possible values are:
value | string | no | read close |
Descriptionthe value of the display element.
displayName | string | no | read close |
Use displayElements instead with ID 'displayName'
DescriptionKey name
value | string | no | read close |
DescriptionValue corresponding to the key
label | string | no | read close |
DescriptionLabel/Name of the field to be used in the user interface
link | string | no | read close |
DescriptionLink that should be used to replace the '{link}' variable in the label.
mask | string | no | read close |
DescriptionA mask that can be used in the input field. You can use it to inject additional characters to provide a better user experience and to restrict the accepted character set (illegal characters will be ignored during typing).
* is used for wildcards (and also chars) 9 is used for numbers Everything outside {{ and }} is used as-is. |
obfuscate | boolean | no | read close |
placeholderLabel | string | no | read close |
DescriptionA placeholder value for the form element
preferredInputType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of keyboard that can best be used to fill out the value of this field. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that contains an optional tooltip to assist the customer
image | string | no | read close |
DescriptionRelative URL that can be used to retrieve an image for the tooltip image.
label | string | no | read close |
DescriptionA text explaining the field in more detail. This is meant to be used for displaying to the customer.
id | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe ID of the field
type | enum | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of field, possible values are:
usedForLookup | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates that the product can be used in a get customer details call and that when that call is done the field should be supplied as (one of the) key(s) with a valid value.
id | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionThe ID of the payment product in our system
Response example
This scenario you will probably use the most
{ "displayHints" : { "displayOrder" : 20, "label" : "Cards", "logo" : "/templates/master/global/css/img/ppimages/group-card.png" }, "fields" : [ { "dataRestrictions" : { "isRequired" : true, "validators" : { "length" : { "maxLength" : 19, "minLength" : 12 }, "luhn" : { } } }, "displayHints" : { "displayOrder" : 10, "formElement" : { "type" : "text" }, "label" : "Card number:", "mask" : "{{9999}} {{9999}} {{9999}} {{9999}} {{999}}", "obfuscate" : false, "placeholderLabel" : "**** **** **** ****", "preferredInputType" : "IntegerKeyboard" }, "id" : "cardNumber", "type" : "numericstring" }, { "dataRestrictions" : { "isRequired" : true, "validators" : { "expirationDate" : { }, "length" : { "maxLength" : 4, "minLength" : 4 }, "regularExpression" : { "regularExpression" : "(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])[0-9]{2}" } } }, "displayHints" : { "displayOrder" : 20, "formElement" : { "type" : "text" }, "label" : "Expiry date:", "mask" : "{{99}}/{{99}}", "obfuscate" : false, "placeholderLabel" : "MM/YY", "preferredInputType" : "IntegerKeyboard" }, "id" : "expiryDate", "type" : "expirydate" }, { "dataRestrictions" : { "isRequired" : false, "validators" : { "length" : { "maxLength" : 4, "minLength" : 3 }, "regularExpression" : { "regularExpression" : "^[0-9]{3}[0-9]?$" } } }, "displayHints" : { "displayOrder" : 24, "formElement" : { "type" : "text" }, "label" : "CVV:", "mask" : "{{9999}}", "obfuscate" : false, "placeholderLabel" : "123", "preferredInputType" : "IntegerKeyboard", "tooltip" : { "image" : "/templates/master/global/css/img/ppimages/ppf_cvv_v1.png", "label" : "The CVV is a 3 or 4 digit code embossed or imprinted on your card." } }, "id" : "cvv", "type" : "numericstring" } ], "id" : "cards" }
Response 400 - Bad requestErrorResponse
Property | Type | Required | Details |
errorId | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionUnique reference, for debugging purposes, of this error response
array of object | yes | read close | |
DescriptionList of one or more errors
object | no | read close | |
category | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCategory the error belongs to. The category should give an indication of the type of error you are dealing with.
Possible values:
code | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionError code
httpStatusCode | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionHTTP status code for this error that can be used to determine the type of error
id | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the error. This is a short human-readable message that briefly describes the error.
message | string | no | read close |
DescriptionHuman-readable error message that is not meant to be relayed to customer as it might tip off people who are trying to commit fraud
propertyName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionReturned only if the error relates to a value that was missing or incorrect.
Contains a location path to the value as a JSonata query. Some common examples:
requestId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the request that can be used for debugging purposes
Response example
This scenario you will probably use the most
{ "errorId" : "15eabcd5-30b3-479b-ae03-67bb351c07e6-00000092", "errors" : [ { "code" : "20000000", "propertyName" : "bankAccountBban.accountNumber", "message" : "PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND_IN_REQUEST" } ] }
Response 404 - Not foundErrorResponse
The paymentProductGroupId you submitted does not exist or does not match the filters you submitted.
Property | Type | Required | Details |
errorId | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionUnique reference, for debugging purposes, of this error response
array of object | yes | read close | |
DescriptionList of one or more errors
object | no | read close | |
category | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCategory the error belongs to. The category should give an indication of the type of error you are dealing with.
Possible values:
code | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionError code
httpStatusCode | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionHTTP status code for this error that can be used to determine the type of error
id | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the error. This is a short human-readable message that briefly describes the error.
message | string | no | read close |
DescriptionHuman-readable error message that is not meant to be relayed to customer as it might tip off people who are trying to commit fraud
propertyName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionReturned only if the error relates to a value that was missing or incorrect.
Contains a location path to the value as a JSonata query. Some common examples:
requestId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the request that can be used for debugging purposes
Response example
This scenario you will probably use the most
{ "errorId" : "657b10da-d2f9-4088-a948-bf190ef516b1-00000213", "errors" : [ { "code" : "1070", "message" : "UNKNOWN_PAYMENT_PRODUCT_GROUP_ID" } ] }