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Worldline allows you to connect to three different environments each with their own characteristics.

Environment Purpose Characteristics
Sandbox Demonstrate the capabilities
of the API, SDKs and the
Mycheckout Hosted Payment Pages
  • Accessible by everybody with an account (create an account)
  • Transactions have no financial impact
  • Setup is generic
  • Full access to the Configuration Center
  • Limited Support
Pre-Production Finalize integration
against your custom accounts
  • Accessible by clients of:
    • GlobalCollect
    • Ogone
    • TechProcess
    • WL Online Payment Acceptance
  • Transactions have no financial impact
  • Setup is custom and according to your wishes
  • Full access to:
    • Configuration Center
    • Payment Console of GlobalCollect and TechProcess
    • Ogone BackOffice
    • WL Online Payment Acceptance OneSource
    • Report files
  • Full Support
Production Process production transactions
  • Accessible by clients of:
    • GlobalCollect
    • Ogone
    • TechProcess
    • WL Online Payment Acceptance
  • Transactions have a financial impact
  • Setup is custom and according to your wishes
  • Full access to:
    • Configuration Center
    • Payment Console of GlobalCollect and TechProcess
    • Ogone BackOffice
    • WL Online Payment Acceptance OneSource
    • Report files
  • Full Support