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The Worldline Connect API has been designed as a REST API. It uses the HTTP protocol as its foundation. Each resource is accessible under a clearly named URL and the HTTP response codes are used to relay status. HTTP Verbs like GET and POST are used to interact with the resources. To support accessibility by clients directly, as opposed to your server, our servers support cross-origin resource sharing. We use JSON for all of our payloads on the Server and Client API, including error messages. The File API uses multipart/form-data to upload and download binary files.

All these characteristics mean that you will be able to use standard off-the-shelf software to interact with Worldline. To make the integration even easier, Worldline also has SDKs that wrap both the complete Server & File API as well as the complete Client API.

To help you get started the below documentation is richly annotated with ready to be used code examples for each of the SDKs as well as JSON examples. These examples can be used against our sandbox. If you haven’t already, please create an account now.

Server, Client & File API

Worldline offers three RESTful APIs: A server API which is used for your server-to-server transaction integration, a client API which is used by clients like desktops, laptops, mobile phones and other internet connected devices and a file API to upload and retrieve files to support disputes. The Client API will be consumed on the devices of your clients and supports less functionality as this device will not be under your full control. This API is designed to drive your UI to enable you to collect the right information and safely encrypt it already on the client device.

Server API

The server API enables you to perform payments, starting hosted checkouts, creating tokens, and much more. All these calls require you to have a secret API key that you can look up in their Configuration Center account.

Client API

The client API enables your clients such as mobile phones, browsers, and apps to access the hosted data such as detailed information about the available payment products, profile management, and public keys used for encrypting sensitive data. These calls require a session id that you can create using the Create Sessions server API.

File API

The file API enables you to upload and retrieve files to support disputes done through the Create Dispute API. This functionality is only available for the GlobalCollect platform. All these calls require you to have a secret API key that you can look up in their Configuration Center account. The file API uses the authentication and keys as the server API.