Approve payment
The payments REST services allow you to initiate a payment, retrieve the payment details or perform specific actions like refunding or requesting capture of a payment. A payment is identified by its paymentId. Some payment products allow a two step approach allowing you to control when the authorization takes place separate from when the funds are actually captured.
When you are ready to capture the funds on a payment with a PENDING_APPROVAL state you can call this API. This API will request the transaction to be captured. Depending on the payment product and the 3rd party used to process the payment this is done in real-time or in a more off-line, batch-like fashion.
Based on how your account has been configured, transactions will require this second step before the funds are actually captured.
PENDING_APPROVAL is a common status only with card and direct debit transactions. Only with special configuration is it possible to also have this for PayPal transactions.
Note that the PENDING_APPROVAL status is used for payments that only allow a single capture. Such a capture will update the status of the payment. The similar PENDING_CAPTURE status is used for payments that allow multiple captures. These captures can be done using the capture payment API and result in a new Capture object. In case you want to capture a lower amount then the authorized amount you can specify the amount you would like to be captured. It is also possible to provide some updated information (airline data, references) and/or details on the signed direct debit mandate.
Property | Type | Required | Details |
amount | integer (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionIn case you want to approve the capture of a different lower amount you can specify this here (specified in cents, where single digit currencies are presumed to have 2 digits)
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds non-SEPA Direct Debit specific input data
dateCollect | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe desired date for the collection
Format: YYYYMMDD |
token | string (40) | no | read close |
DescriptionToken containing tokenized bank account details
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds SEPA Direct Debit specific input data
dateCollect | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe desired date for the collection
Format: YYYYMMDD |
token | string (40) | no | read close |
DescriptionToken containing tokenized bank account details
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing additional input on the order
object | no | read close | |
agentNumericCode | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionNumeric code identifying the agent
code | string (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionAirline numeric code
flightDate | string (8) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionDate of the Flight
Format: YYYYMMDD |
array of object | no depends no no depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the data on the individual legs of the ticket
object | no | read close | |
airlineClass | string | no | read close |
DescriptionReservation Booking Designator
arrivalAirport | string (3) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionArrival airport/city code
arrivalTime | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe arrival time in the local time zone
Format: HH:MM |
carrierCode | string (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionIATA carrier code
conjunctionTicket | string (14) | no | read close |
DescriptionIdentifying number of a ticket issued to a passenger in conjunction with this ticket and that constitutes a single contract of carriage
couponNumber | string (1) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe coupon number associated with this leg of the trip. A ticket can contain several legs of travel, and each leg of travel requires a separate coupon
date | string (8) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionDate of the leg
Format: YYYYMMDD |
departureTime | string (6) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe departure time in the local time at the departure airport
Format: HH:MM |
endorsementOrRestriction | string (20) | no | read close |
DescriptionAn endorsement can be an agency-added notation or a mandatory government required notation, such as value-added tax. A restriction is a limitation based on the type of fare, such as a ticket with a 3-day minimum stay
exchangeTicket | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionNew ticket number that is issued when a ticket is exchanged
fare | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionFare of this leg
fareBasis | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionFare Basis/Ticket Designator
fee | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionFee for this leg of the trip
flightNumber | string (4) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe flight number assigned by the airline carrier with no leading spaces
Should be a numeric string |
number | integer (5) | no | read close |
DescriptionSequence number of the flight leg
originAirport | string (3) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionOrigin airport/city code
passengerClass | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPassengerClass if this leg
serviceClass | enum | no | read close |
Use passengerClass instead
DescriptionServiceClass of this leg (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform).
Possible values are:
stopoverCode | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionPossible values are:
taxes | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionTaxes for this leg of the trip
invoiceNumber | string (6) | no | read close |
DescriptionAirline tracing number
isETicket | boolean | no | read close |
isRegisteredCustomer | boolean | no | read close |
Use order.customer.accountType instead
isRestrictedTicket | boolean | no | read close |
isThirdParty | boolean | no | read close |
issueDate | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the date of issue recorded in the airline system
In a case of multiple issuances of the same ticket to a cardholder, you should use the last ticket date.
Format: YYYYMMDD |
merchantCustomerId | string (16) | no | read close |
DescriptionYour ID of the customer in the context of the airline data
name | string (20) | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the airline
numberInParty | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionTotal number of passengers in the party. If the the property numberInParty is not present, then the number of passengers will be used on the WL Online Payment Acceptance Platform.
passengerName | string (49) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionName of passenger
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the data on the individual passengers (this object is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
object | no | read close | |
firstName | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionFirst name of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
surname | string (70) | no | read close |
DescriptionSurname of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
surnamePrefix | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionSurname prefix of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
title | string (35) | no | read close |
DescriptionTitle of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
placeOfIssue | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionPlace of issue
For sales in the US the last two characters (pos 14-15) must be the US state code. |
pnr | string (127) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionPassenger name record
pointOfSale | string (25) | no | read close |
DescriptionIATA point of sale name
posCityCode | string (10) | no | read close |
Descriptioncity code of the point of sale
ticketDeliveryMethod | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPossible values:
ticketNumber | string (13) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe ticket or document number. On the Ogone Payment Platform and the GlobalCollect Payment Platform it contains:
totalFare | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionTotal fare for all legs on the ticket, excluding taxes and fees. If multiple tickets are purchased, this is the total fare for all tickets
totalFee | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionTotal fee for all legs on the ticket. If multiple tickets are purchased, this is the total fee for all tickets
totalTaxes | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionTotal taxes for all legs on the ticket. If multiple tickets are purchased, this is the total taxes for all tickets
travelAgencyName | string (25) | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the travel agency issuing the ticket. For direct airline integration, leave this property blank on the Ogone Payment Platform.
object | no | read close | |
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds lodging related charges
object | no | read close | |
chargeAmount | integer (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionAmount of additional charges associated with the stay of the guest.
Note: The currencyCode is presumed to be identical to the order.amountOfMoney.currencyCode. |
chargeAmountCurrencyCode | string (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionCurrency for Charge amount. The code should be in 3 letter ISO format.
chargeType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionType of additional charges associated with the stay of the guest.
Allowed values:
checkInDate | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe date the guest checks into (or plans to check in to) the facility.
Format: YYYYMMDD |
checkOutDate | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe date the guest checks out of (or plans to check out of) the facility.
Format: YYYYMMDD |
folioNumber | string (25) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe Lodging Folio Number assigned to the itemized statement of charges and credits associated with this lodging stay, which can be any combination of characters and numerals defined by the Merchant or authorized Third Party Processor.
isConfirmedReservation | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates whether the room reservation is confirmed.
isFacilityFireSafetyConform | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionDefines whether or not the facility conforms to the requirements of the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990, or similar legislation.
isNoShow | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicate if this the customer is a no show case. In such case, the lodging property can charge a no show fee.
isPreferenceSmokingRoom | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicated the preference of the customer for a smoking or non-smoking room.
numberOfAdults | integer (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe total number of adult guests staying (or planning to stay) at the facility (i.e., all booked rooms)
numberOfNights | integer (4) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe number of nights for the lodging stay
numberOfRooms | integer (4) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe number of rooms rented for the lodging stay
programCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCode that corresponds to the category of lodging charges detailed in this message.
Allowed values:
propertyCustomerServicePhoneNumber | string (20) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe international customer service phone number of the facility
propertyPhoneNumber | string (20) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe local phone number of the facility in an international phone number format
renterName | string (26) | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the person or business entity charged for the reservation and/or lodging stay
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds lodging related room data
object | no | read close | |
dailyRoomRate | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionDaily room rate exclusive of any taxes and fees
Note: The currencyCode is presumed to be identical to the order.amountOfMoney.currencyCode. |
dailyRoomRateCurrencyCode | string (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionCurrency for Daily room rate. The code should be in 3 letter ISO format
dailyRoomTaxAmount | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionDaily room tax
Note: The currencyCode is presumed to be identical to the order.amountOfMoney.currencyCode. |
dailyRoomTaxAmountCurrencyCode | string (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionCurrency for Daily room tax. The code should be in 3 letter ISO format
numberOfNightsAtRoomRate | integer (4) | no | read close |
DescriptionNumber of nights charged at the rate in the dailyRoomRate property
roomLocation | string (10) | no | read close |
DescriptionLocation of the room within the facility, e.g. Park or Garden etc.
roomNumber | string (6) | no | read close |
DescriptionRoom number
typeOfBed | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionSize of bed, e.g., king, queen, double.
typeOfRoom | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionDescribes the type of room, e.g., standard, deluxe, suite.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing data related to the customer
accountType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionType of the customer account that is used to place this order. Can have one of the following values:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds all reference properties that are linked to this transaction
merchantReference | string (30) | no | read close |
DescriptionYour (unique) reference for the transaction that you can use to reconcile our report files
Request example
This scenario you will probably use the most
var directDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput = new ApprovePaymentNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput(); directDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput.DateCollect = "20150201"; directDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput.Token = "bfa8a7e4-4530-455a-858d-204ba2afb77e"; var references = new OrderReferencesApprovePayment(); references.MerchantReference = "AcmeOrder0001"; var order = new OrderApprovePayment(); order.References = references; var body = new ApprovePaymentRequest(); body.Amount = 2980L; body.DirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput = directDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput; body.Order = order; var response = await client.V1.WithNewMerchant("merchantId").Payments.Approve("paymentId", body);
var body = new ApprovePaymentRequest(); body.Amount = 1L; var response = await client.V1.WithNewMerchant("merchantId").Payments.Approve("paymentId", body);
Please find below an overview of the possible responses.
Response 200 - OKPaymentApprovalResponse
The capture request was processed correctly. The new state of the payment can be found in the response.
Property | Type | Required | Details |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing additional card payment method specific details
voidResponseId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the authorization reversal request
Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing additional mobile payment method specific details
voidResponseId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the authorization reversal request
Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionHosted Checkout specific information. Populated if the payment was created on the GlobalCollect platform through a Hosted Checkout.
hostedCheckoutId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe ID of the Hosted Checkout Session in which the payment was made.
variant | string | no | read close |
DescriptionUsing the Configuration Center it is possible to create multiple variations of your MyCheckout payment pages. By specifying a specific variant you can force the use of another variant then the default. This allows you to test out the effect of certain changes to your hosted mandate pages in a controlled manner. Please note that you need to specify the ID of the variant.
id | string | no | read close |
DescriptionOur unique payment transaction identifier.
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing amount and ISO currency code attributes
amount | integer (12) | yes | read close |
DescriptionAmount in cents and always having 2 decimals
currencyCode | string (3) | yes | read close |
DescriptionThree-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
amountPaid | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionAmount that has been paid
amountReversed | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionAmount that has been reversed
object | one of the group | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the bank transfer payment method details
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment. Cybersource is a fraud detection tool leveraging data networks, configurable rules, intelligence, and device fingerprinting to identify risky transactions.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Cybersource Decision Manager check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
fraudServiceResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResults from the fraud prevention check. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing device fingerprinting details from InAuth
deviceCategory | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer. Example values:
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
riskScore | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe score calculated on the basis of Anomalies, Velocity, Location, Integrity, List-Based, and Device Reputation. Range of the score is between 0 and 100. A lower value is better.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by inAuth. This might be different from the IP address that you are seeing on your side due to the proxy piercing technology deployed by inAuth.
trueIpAddressCountry | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer based on the location of the True IP Address determined by inAuth.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of Microsoft Fraud Protection risk assessment. Microsoft collects transaction data points and uses Adaptive AI that continuously learns to protect you against payment fraud, and the device fingerprinting details from the Microsoft Device Fingerprinting service.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
deviceCountryCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Microsoft Fraud Protection check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied on during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
userDeviceType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer.
paymentProductId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
object | one of the group | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the card payment method details
authorisationCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCard Authorization code as returned by the acquirer
object | no | read close | |
cardNumber | string (19) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe complete credit/debit card number
cardholderName | string (51) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe card holder's name on the card. Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 51 characters.
expiryDate | string (4) | no | read close |
DescriptionExpiry date of the card
Format: MMYY |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionFraud results contained in the CardFraudResults object
avsResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Address Verification Service checks. Possible values are:
cvvResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Card Verification Value checks. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment. Cybersource is a fraud detection tool leveraging data networks, configurable rules, intelligence, and device fingerprinting to identify risky transactions.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Cybersource Decision Manager check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
fraudServiceResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResulting advice of the fraud prevention checks. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionResults of Fraugster fraud prevention check. Fraugster collects transaction data points such as name, email address, billing, etc. to analyze whether or not the transaction is fraudulent.
fraudInvestigationPoints | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Fraugster check
Contains the investigation points used during the evaluation
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Fraugster check
Contains the overall Fraud score which is an integer between 0 and 99
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing device fingerprinting details from InAuth
deviceCategory | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer. Example values:
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
riskScore | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe score calculated on the basis of Anomalies, Velocity, Location, Integrity, List-Based, and Device Reputation. Range of the score is between 0 and 100. A lower value is better.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by inAuth. This might be different from the IP address that you are seeing on your side due to the proxy piercing technology deployed by inAuth.
trueIpAddressCountry | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer based on the location of the True IP Address determined by inAuth.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of Microsoft Fraud Protection risk assessment. Microsoft collects transaction data points and uses Adaptive AI that continuously learns to protect you against payment fraud, and the device fingerprinting details from the Microsoft Device Fingerprinting service.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
deviceCountryCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Microsoft Fraud Protection check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied on during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
userDeviceType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionAdditional response data returned by RetailDecisions
fraudCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the fraud service.
Provides additional information about the fraud result
fraudNeural | string | no | read close |
DescriptionReturns the raw score of the neural
fraudRCF | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the fraud service
Represent sets of fraud rules returned during the evaluation of the transaction
initialSchemeTransactionId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe unique scheme transactionId of the initial transaction that was performed with SCA.
Should be stored by the merchant to allow it to be submitted in future transactions. |
networkTokenUsed | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if a network token was used during the payment.
paymentProductId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
schemeTransactionId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe unique scheme transactionId of this transaction.
Should be stored by the merchant to allow it to be submitted in future transactions. Use this value in case the initialSchemeTransactionId property is empty. |
object | no | read close | |
acsTransactionId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionIdentifier of the authenticated transaction at the ACS/Issuer
appliedExemption | string | no | read close |
DescriptionExemption code from Carte Bancaire (130) (unknown possible values so far -free format)
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThe amount for which this transaction has been authenticated.
amount | integer (12) | yes | read close |
DescriptionAmount in cents and always having 2 decimals
currencyCode | string (3) | yes | read close |
DescriptionThree-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
cavv | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCAVV or AVV result indicating authentication validation value
directoryServerTransactionId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure Directory Server transaction ID that is used for the 3D Authentication
eci | string | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates Authentication validation results returned after AuthenticationValidation
object | no | read close | |
exemptionRaised | string | no | read close |
DescriptionType of strong customer authentication (SCA) exemption that was raised towards the acquirer for this transaction.
exemptionRejectionReason | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe request exemption could not be granted. The reason why is returned in this property.
exemptionRequest | string | no | read close |
DescriptionType of strong customer authentication (SCA) exemption requested by you for this transaction.
schemeRiskScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionGlobal score calculated by the Carte Bancaire (130) Scoring platform. Possible values from 0 to 99
object | no | read close | |
sdkTransactionId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionUniversally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3-D Secure SDK to identify this transaction.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing data regarding the 3-D Secure authentication
acsTransactionId | string (36) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe ACS Transaction ID for a prior 3-D Secure authenticated transaction (for example, the first recurring transaction that was authenticated with the customer)
method | string | no | read close |
DescriptionMethod of authentication used for this transaction.
Possible values:
utcTimestamp | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionTimestamp in UTC (YYYYMMDDHHmm) of the 3-D Secure authentication of this transaction
threeDSecureVersion | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure version used for the authentication.
This property is used in the communication with the acquirer |
threeDServerTransactionId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure Server transaction ID that is used for the 3-D Secure version 2 Authentication.
xid | string | no | read close |
DescriptionTransaction ID for the Authentication
token | string | no | read close |
DescriptionIf a token was used for or created during the payment, then the ID of that token.
object | one of the group | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the cash payment method details
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment. Cybersource is a fraud detection tool leveraging data networks, configurable rules, intelligence, and device fingerprinting to identify risky transactions.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Cybersource Decision Manager check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
fraudServiceResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResults from the fraud prevention check. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing device fingerprinting details from InAuth
deviceCategory | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer. Example values:
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
riskScore | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe score calculated on the basis of Anomalies, Velocity, Location, Integrity, List-Based, and Device Reputation. Range of the score is between 0 and 100. A lower value is better.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by inAuth. This might be different from the IP address that you are seeing on your side due to the proxy piercing technology deployed by inAuth.
trueIpAddressCountry | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer based on the location of the True IP Address determined by inAuth.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of Microsoft Fraud Protection risk assessment. Microsoft collects transaction data points and uses Adaptive AI that continuously learns to protect you against payment fraud, and the device fingerprinting details from the Microsoft Device Fingerprinting service.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
deviceCountryCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Microsoft Fraud Protection check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied on during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
userDeviceType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer.
paymentProductId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
object | one of the group | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the non SEPA direct debit payment method details
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment. Cybersource is a fraud detection tool leveraging data networks, configurable rules, intelligence, and device fingerprinting to identify risky transactions.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Cybersource Decision Manager check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
fraudServiceResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResults from the fraud prevention check. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing device fingerprinting details from InAuth
deviceCategory | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer. Example values:
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
riskScore | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe score calculated on the basis of Anomalies, Velocity, Location, Integrity, List-Based, and Device Reputation. Range of the score is between 0 and 100. A lower value is better.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by inAuth. This might be different from the IP address that you are seeing on your side due to the proxy piercing technology deployed by inAuth.
trueIpAddressCountry | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer based on the location of the True IP Address determined by inAuth.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of Microsoft Fraud Protection risk assessment. Microsoft collects transaction data points and uses Adaptive AI that continuously learns to protect you against payment fraud, and the device fingerprinting details from the Microsoft Device Fingerprinting service.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
deviceCountryCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Microsoft Fraud Protection check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied on during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
userDeviceType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer.
paymentProductId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
object | one of the group | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the e-invoice payment method details
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment. Cybersource is a fraud detection tool leveraging data networks, configurable rules, intelligence, and device fingerprinting to identify risky transactions.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Cybersource Decision Manager check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
fraudServiceResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResults from the fraud prevention check. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing device fingerprinting details from InAuth
deviceCategory | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer. Example values:
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
riskScore | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe score calculated on the basis of Anomalies, Velocity, Location, Integrity, List-Based, and Device Reputation. Range of the score is between 0 and 100. A lower value is better.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by inAuth. This might be different from the IP address that you are seeing on your side due to the proxy piercing technology deployed by inAuth.
trueIpAddressCountry | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer based on the location of the True IP Address determined by inAuth.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of Microsoft Fraud Protection risk assessment. Microsoft collects transaction data points and uses Adaptive AI that continuously learns to protect you against payment fraud, and the device fingerprinting details from the Microsoft Device Fingerprinting service.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
deviceCountryCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Microsoft Fraud Protection check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied on during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
userDeviceType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer.
object | yes | read close | |
DescriptionAfterPay Installments (payment product 9000) specific details
installmentId | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionThe ID of the installment plan used for the payment.
paymentProductId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
object | one of the group | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the invoice payment method details
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment. Cybersource is a fraud detection tool leveraging data networks, configurable rules, intelligence, and device fingerprinting to identify risky transactions.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Cybersource Decision Manager check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
fraudServiceResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResults from the fraud prevention check. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing device fingerprinting details from InAuth
deviceCategory | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer. Example values:
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
riskScore | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe score calculated on the basis of Anomalies, Velocity, Location, Integrity, List-Based, and Device Reputation. Range of the score is between 0 and 100. A lower value is better.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by inAuth. This might be different from the IP address that you are seeing on your side due to the proxy piercing technology deployed by inAuth.
trueIpAddressCountry | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer based on the location of the True IP Address determined by inAuth.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of Microsoft Fraud Protection risk assessment. Microsoft collects transaction data points and uses Adaptive AI that continuously learns to protect you against payment fraud, and the device fingerprinting details from the Microsoft Device Fingerprinting service.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
deviceCountryCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Microsoft Fraud Protection check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied on during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
userDeviceType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer.
paymentProductId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
object | one of the group | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the mobile payment method details
authorisationCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCard Authorization code as returned by the acquirer
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionFraud results contained in the CardFraudResults object
avsResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Address Verification Service checks. Possible values are:
cvvResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Card Verification Value checks. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment. Cybersource is a fraud detection tool leveraging data networks, configurable rules, intelligence, and device fingerprinting to identify risky transactions.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Cybersource Decision Manager check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
fraudServiceResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResulting advice of the fraud prevention checks. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionResults of Fraugster fraud prevention check. Fraugster collects transaction data points such as name, email address, billing, etc. to analyze whether or not the transaction is fraudulent.
fraudInvestigationPoints | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Fraugster check
Contains the investigation points used during the evaluation
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Fraugster check
Contains the overall Fraud score which is an integer between 0 and 99
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing device fingerprinting details from InAuth
deviceCategory | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer. Example values:
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
riskScore | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe score calculated on the basis of Anomalies, Velocity, Location, Integrity, List-Based, and Device Reputation. Range of the score is between 0 and 100. A lower value is better.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by inAuth. This might be different from the IP address that you are seeing on your side due to the proxy piercing technology deployed by inAuth.
trueIpAddressCountry | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer based on the location of the True IP Address determined by inAuth.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of Microsoft Fraud Protection risk assessment. Microsoft collects transaction data points and uses Adaptive AI that continuously learns to protect you against payment fraud, and the device fingerprinting details from the Microsoft Device Fingerprinting service.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
deviceCountryCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Microsoft Fraud Protection check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied on during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
userDeviceType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionAdditional response data returned by RetailDecisions
fraudCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the fraud service.
Provides additional information about the fraud result
fraudNeural | string | no | read close |
DescriptionReturns the raw score of the neural
fraudRCF | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the fraud service
Represent sets of fraud rules returned during the evaluation of the transaction
network | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe network that was used for the refund
object | no | read close | |
dpan | string (19) | yes | read close |
DescriptionThe obfuscated DPAN. Only the last four digits are visible.
expiryDate | string (4) | yes | read close |
DescriptionExpiry date of the tokenized card
Format: MMYY |
paymentProductId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
object | no | read close | |
acsTransactionId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionIdentifier of the authenticated transaction at the ACS/Issuer
appliedExemption | string | no | read close |
DescriptionExemption code from Carte Bancaire (130) (unknown possible values so far -free format)
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThe amount for which this transaction has been authenticated.
amount | integer (12) | yes | read close |
DescriptionAmount in cents and always having 2 decimals
currencyCode | string (3) | yes | read close |
DescriptionThree-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
cavv | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCAVV or AVV result indicating authentication validation value
directoryServerTransactionId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure Directory Server transaction ID that is used for the 3D Authentication
eci | string | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates Authentication validation results returned after AuthenticationValidation
object | no | read close | |
exemptionRaised | string | no | read close |
DescriptionType of strong customer authentication (SCA) exemption that was raised towards the acquirer for this transaction.
exemptionRejectionReason | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe request exemption could not be granted. The reason why is returned in this property.
exemptionRequest | string | no | read close |
DescriptionType of strong customer authentication (SCA) exemption requested by you for this transaction.
schemeRiskScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionGlobal score calculated by the Carte Bancaire (130) Scoring platform. Possible values from 0 to 99
object | no | read close | |
sdkTransactionId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionUniversally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3-D Secure SDK to identify this transaction.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing data regarding the 3-D Secure authentication
acsTransactionId | string (36) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe ACS Transaction ID for a prior 3-D Secure authenticated transaction (for example, the first recurring transaction that was authenticated with the customer)
method | string | no | read close |
DescriptionMethod of authentication used for this transaction.
Possible values:
utcTimestamp | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionTimestamp in UTC (YYYYMMDDHHmm) of the 3-D Secure authentication of this transaction
threeDSecureVersion | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure version used for the authentication.
This property is used in the communication with the acquirer |
threeDServerTransactionId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure Server transaction ID that is used for the 3-D Secure version 2 Authentication.
xid | string | no | read close |
DescriptionTransaction ID for the Authentication
object | one of the group | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the redirect payment product details
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) data
accountHolderName | string (30) | depends | read close |
DescriptionName of the account holder
accountNumber | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionBank account number
bankCode | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionBank code
bankName | string (40) | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the bank
branchCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionBranch code
checkDigit | string | no | read close |
DescriptionBank check digit
countryCode | string (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country where the bank account is held
For UK payouts this value is automatically set to GB as only payouts to UK accounts are supported.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing account holder name and IBAN information
accountHolderName | string (30) | depends | read close |
DescriptionName in which the account is held.
iban | string (50) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe IBAN is the International Bank Account Number. It is an internationally agreed format for the BBAN and includes the ISO country code and two check digits.
bic | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe BIC is the Business Identifier Code, also known as SWIFT or Bank Identifier code. It is a code with an internationally agreed format to Identify a specific bank or even branch. The BIC contains 8 or 11 positions: the first 4 contain the bank code, followed by the country code and location code.
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment. Cybersource is a fraud detection tool leveraging data networks, configurable rules, intelligence, and device fingerprinting to identify risky transactions.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Cybersource Decision Manager check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
fraudServiceResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResults from the fraud prevention check. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing device fingerprinting details from InAuth
deviceCategory | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer. Example values:
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
riskScore | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe score calculated on the basis of Anomalies, Velocity, Location, Integrity, List-Based, and Device Reputation. Range of the score is between 0 and 100. A lower value is better.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by inAuth. This might be different from the IP address that you are seeing on your side due to the proxy piercing technology deployed by inAuth.
trueIpAddressCountry | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer based on the location of the True IP Address determined by inAuth.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of Microsoft Fraud Protection risk assessment. Microsoft collects transaction data points and uses Adaptive AI that continuously learns to protect you against payment fraud, and the device fingerprinting details from the Microsoft Device Fingerprinting service.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
deviceCountryCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Microsoft Fraud Protection check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied on during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
userDeviceType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionPostFinance Card (payment product 3201) specific details
object | no | read close | |
cardNumber | string (19) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe complete credit/debit card number
cardholderName | string (51) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe card holder's name on the card. Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 51 characters.
expiryDate | string (4) | no | read close |
DescriptionExpiry date of the card
Format: MMYY |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionTrustly (payment product 806) specific details
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the billing address details of the customer
additionalInfo | string (50) | no | read close |
DescriptionAdditional address information. The additionalInfo is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
city | string | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
Note: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 40 but 20. |
countryCode | string (2) | no depends no yes yes | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
houseNumber | string (15) | depends | read close |
DescriptionHouse number. The houseNumber is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
state | string (35) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionFull name of the state or province
stateCode | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-2 alpha-3 state code
street | string (50) | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
zip | string | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
DescriptionZip code
Note: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 10 but 8. |
object | no | read close | |
accountLastDigits | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe last digits of the account number
bankName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe name of the bank
clearinghouse | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the clearing house
personIdentificationNumber | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe ID number of the account holder
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionSofort (payment product 836) specific details
securityIndicator | string | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if SofortBank could estabilish if the transaction could successfully be processed.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionPayPal (payment product 840) specific details
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the billing address details of the customer
additionalInfo | string (50) | no | read close |
DescriptionAdditional address information. The additionalInfo is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
city | string | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
Note: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 40 but 20. |
countryCode | string (2) | no depends no yes yes | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
houseNumber | string (15) | depends | read close |
DescriptionHouse number. The houseNumber is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
state | string (35) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionFull name of the state or province
stateCode | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-2 alpha-3 state code
street | string (50) | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
zip | string | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
DescriptionZip code
Note: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 10 but 8. |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the details of the PayPal account
accountId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionUsername with which the PayPal account holder has registered at PayPal
billingAgreementId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionIdentification of the PayPal recurring billing agreement
companyName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the company in case the PayPal account is owned by a business
contactPhone | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe phone number of the PayPal account holder
countryCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCountry where the PayPal account is located
customerAccountStatus | string | no | read close |
DescriptionStatus of the PayPal account.
Possible values are:
customerAddressStatus | string | no | read close |
DescriptionStatus of the customer's shipping address as registered by PayPal
Possible values are:
firstName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionFirst name of the PayPal account holder
payerId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe unique identifier of a PayPal account and will never change in the life cycle of a PayPal account
surname | string | no | read close |
DescriptionSurname of the PayPal account holder
object | no | read close | |
additionalInfo | string (50) | no | read close |
DescriptionAdditional address information. The additionalInfo is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
city | string | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
Note: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 40 but 20. |
countryCode | string (2) | no depends no yes yes | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
houseNumber | string (15) | depends | read close |
DescriptionHouse number. The houseNumber is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
state | string (35) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionFull name of the state or province
stateCode | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-2 alpha-3 state code
street | string (50) | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
zip | string | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
DescriptionZip code
Note: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 10 but 8. |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionProtection Eligibility data of the PayPal customer
eligibility | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPossible values:
type | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPossible values:
paymentProductId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
token | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the token. This property is populated when the payment was done with a token or when the payment was tokenized.
object | one of the group | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the SEPA direct debit details
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment. Cybersource is a fraud detection tool leveraging data networks, configurable rules, intelligence, and device fingerprinting to identify risky transactions.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Cybersource Decision Manager check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
fraudServiceResult | string | no | read close |
DescriptionResults from the fraud prevention check. Possible values are:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing device fingerprinting details from InAuth
deviceCategory | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer. Example values:
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
riskScore | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe score calculated on the basis of Anomalies, Velocity, Location, Integrity, List-Based, and Device Reputation. Range of the score is between 0 and 100. A lower value is better.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by inAuth. This might be different from the IP address that you are seeing on your side due to the proxy piercing technology deployed by inAuth.
trueIpAddressCountry | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer based on the location of the True IP Address determined by inAuth.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object contains the results of Microsoft Fraud Protection risk assessment. Microsoft collects transaction data points and uses Adaptive AI that continuously learns to protect you against payment fraud, and the device fingerprinting details from the Microsoft Device Fingerprinting service.
clauseName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
deviceCountryCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe country of the customer determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
deviceId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
fraudScore | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionResult of the Microsoft Fraud Protection check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
policyApplied | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the policy that was applied on during the evaluation of this transaction.
reasonCodes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionList of one or more reason codes.
trueIpAddress | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe true IP address as determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
userDeviceType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe type of device used by the customer.
object | yes | read close | |
DescriptionOutput that is SEPA Direct Debit specific (i.e. the used mandate)
mandateReference | string | no | read close |
DescriptionUnique reference to a Mandate
paymentProductId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
token | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the token. This property is populated for the GlobalCollect payment platform when the payment was done with a token or when the payment was tokenized.
paymentMethod | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment method identifier used by the our payment engine with the following possible values:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds all reference properties that are linked to this transaction
merchantOrderId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionYour order ID for this transaction that is also returned in our report files
merchantReference | string | no | read close |
DescriptionYour unique reference of the transaction that is also returned in our report files. This is almost always used for your reconciliation of our report files.
paymentReference | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment Reference generated by WebCollect
providerId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionProvides an additional means of reconciliation for Gateway merchants
providerMerchantId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionProvides an additional means of reconciliation, this is the MerchantId used at the provider
providerReference | string | no | read close |
DescriptionProvides an additional means of reconciliation for Gateway merchants
referenceOrigPayment | string | no | read close |
DescriptionWhen you did not supply a merchantReference for your payment, you need to fill this property with the reference of the original payment when you want to refund it
reversalReason | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe reason description given for the reversedAmount property.
status | enum | no | read close |
DescriptionCurrent high-level status of the payment in a human-readable form. Possible values are :
Please see Statuses for a full overview of possible values. |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object has the numeric representation of the current payment status, timestamp of last status change and performable action on the current payment resource.
In case of failed payments and negative scenarios, detailed error information is listed.
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionCustom object contains the set of errors
object | no | read close | |
category | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCategory the error belongs to. The category should give an indication of the type of error you are dealing with.
Possible values:
code | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionError code
httpStatusCode | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionHTTP status code for this error that can be used to determine the type of error
id | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the error. This is a short human-readable message that briefly describes the error.
message | string | no | read close |
DescriptionHuman-readable error message that is not meant to be relayed to customer as it might tip off people who are trying to commit fraud
propertyName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionReturned only if the error relates to a value that was missing or incorrect.
Contains a location path to the value as a JSonata query. Some common examples:
requestId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the request that can be used for debugging purposes
isAuthorized | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if the transaction has been authorized
isCancellable | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionFlag indicating if the payment can be cancelled
isRefundable | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionFlag indicating if the payment can be refunded
isRetriable | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionFlag indicating whether a rejected payment may be retried by the merchant without incurring a fee
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis is the raw response returned by the acquirer. This property contains unprocessed data directly returned by the acquirer. It's recommended for data analysis only due to its dynamic nature, which may undergo future changes.
object | no | read close | |
key | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the key or property
value | string | no | read close |