Create payment
The payments REST services allow you to initiate a payment, retrieve the payment details or perform specific actions like refunding or requesting capture of a payment. A payment is identified by its paymentId. Some payment products allow a two step approach allowing you to control when the authorization takes place separate from when the funds are actually captured.
You initiate a payment by posting all the required payment details. After you have done so one or more of the following things can take place:
- Your payment request is rejected. This can happen for various reasons, but a detailed reason is always returned in the response to you. In some cases a payment object was created and you will find all the details in the response as well.
- The data you submitted used to assess the risk of potential fraud. If this is deemed to great based on your configuration the transaction is either rejected or placed in a queue for your manual review. If the fraud risk is deemed to be within the acceptable set limits the processing is continued and one of the other possible outcomes listed here will be returned.
- The data is sent to a third party for authorization
- The consumer is required to authenticate themselves and a redirect to a third party is required, sometimes this also includes the actual authorization of the payment by the consumer while at the third party. The response will contain all the details required for you to redirect the consumer to the third party.
- Payment instruction details are returned so you can provide the right instructions to your consumer on how to complete the payment.
- The data is simply stored for future processing.
Please look at the flow diagram of each payment product that you would like to integrate to see what possible responses can be returned to you depending on the payment product.
Property | Type | Required | Details |
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the specific input details for bank transfer payments
additionalReference | string (20) | no | read close |
DescriptionYour additional reference identifier for this transaction. Data supplied in this property will also be returned in our report files, allowing you to reconcile the incoming funds.
paymentProductId | integer (5) | depends | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the specific input details for card payments
acquirerPromotionCode | string (32) | no | read close |
DescriptionIn case you have been provided with a promotion code by an acquirer, you can use this property to flag the transaction as being part of a specific card payment product promotion.
authorizationMode | enum | no | read close |
DescriptionDetermines the type of the authorization that will be used. Allowed values:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing card details. The card details will be ignored in case the property networkTokenData is present.
cardNumber | string (19) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe complete credit/debit card number (also know as the PAN). The minimum input length is 12 digits.
The card number is always obfuscated in any of our responses |
cardholderName | string (51) | no depends depends no yes | read close |
DescriptionThe card holder's name on the card. Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 51 characters. The '+' character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
cvv | string (4) | depends | read close |
DescriptionCard Verification Value, a 3 or 4 digit code used as an additional security feature for card not present transactions.
expiryDate | string (4) | depends | read close |
DescriptionExpiry date of the card
Format: MMYY |
issueNumber | string (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionIssue number on the card (if applicable)
partialPin | string (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe first 2 digits of the card's PIN code. May be optionally submitted for South Korean cards (paymentProductIds 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185 and 186). Submitting this property may improve your authorization rate.
customerReference | string (17) | no | read close |
DescriptionReference of the customer for the payment (purchase order #, etc.). Only used with some acquirers.
object | no | read close | |
Use threeDSecure.externalCardholderAuthenticationData instead.
DescriptionObject containing 3D secure details.
acsTransactionId | string (36) | no | read close |
DescriptionIdentifier of the authenticated transaction at the ACS/Issuer.
appliedExemption | string (4) | no | read close |
DescriptionExemption code from Carte Bancaire (130) (unknown possible values so far -free format).
cavv | string (50) | no depends no depends no | read close |
DescriptionThe CAVV (cardholder authentication verification value) or AAV (accountholder authentication value) provides an authentication validation value.
cavvAlgorithm | string (1) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe algorithm, from your 3D Secure provider, used to generate the authentication CAVV.
directoryServerTransactionId | string (36) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure Directory Server transaction ID that is used for the 3D Authentication
eci | integer (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionElectronic Commerce Indicator provides authentication validation results returned after AUTHENTICATIONVALIDATION
schemeRiskScore | integer (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionGlobal score calculated by the Carte Bancaire (130) Scoring platform. Possible values from 0 to 99.
threeDSecureVersion | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure version used for the authentication. Possible values:
threeDServerTransactionId | string (36) | no | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure Server transaction ID that is used for the 3-D Secure version 2 Authentication.
validationResult | string (1) | no depends no depends no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3D Secure authentication result from your 3D Secure provider.
xid | string (50) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe transaction ID that is used for the 3D Authentication
initialSchemeTransactionId | string (100) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe unique scheme transactionId of the initial transaction that was performed with SCA. In case this is unknown a scheme transactionId of an earlier transaction part of the same sequence can be used as a fall-back.
Strongly advised to be submitted for any MerchantInitiated or recurring transaction (a subsequent one). |
isRecurring | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if this transaction is of a one-off or a recurring type
merchantInitiatedReasonIndicator | string | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates reason behind the merchant initiated transaction. These are industry specific.
Possible values:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject holding data that describes a network token
cardholderName | string (51) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe card holder's name on the card. Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 51 characters.
cryptogram | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe Token Cryptogram is a dynamic one-time use value that is used to verify the authenticity of the transaction and the integrity of the data used in the generation of the Token Cryptogram. Visa calls this the Token Authentication Verification Value (TAVV) cryptogram.
eci | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe Electronic Commerce Indicator you got with the Token Cryptogram
networkToken | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionThe network token. Note: This is called Payment Token in the EMVCo documentation
tokenExpiryDate | string (4) | yes | read close |
DescriptionThe expiry date of the network token
paymentProductId | integer (5) | depends | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
object | no | read close | |
endDate | string (8) | depends | read close |
DescriptionDate in YYYYMMDD after which there will be no further charges. If no value is provided we will set a default value of five years after we processed the first recurring transaction.
minFrequency | integer (4) | depends | read close |
DescriptionMinimum number of days between authorizations. If no value is provided we will set a default value of 30 days.
recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator | string | depends | read close |
Note: For any first of a recurring the system will automatically create a token as you will need to use a token for any subsequent recurring transactions. In case a token already exists this is indicated in the response with a value of False for the isNewToken property in the response. |
recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator | string | no | read close |
Use recurring.recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator instead
Note: For any first of a recurring the system will automatically create a token as you will need to use a token for any subsequent recurring transactions. In case a token already exists this is indicated in the response with a value of False for the isNewToken property in the response. |
requiresApproval | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionDeprecated for Ogone: This flag is deprecated for the Ogone payment platform. Use CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.authorizationMode instead. Value 'true' of this property is mapped to authorizationMode FINAL_AUTHORIZATION and value 'false' is mapped to authorizationMode SALE.
returnUrl | string (512) | no | read close |
Use threeDSecure.redirectionData.returnUrl instead.
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
skipAuthentication | boolean | no | read close |
Use threeDSecure.skipAuthentication instead.
skipFraudService | boolean | no | read close |
object | depends depends yes depends no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionAllows you to send in an authentication amount which can be greater or equal to the order amount.
The currency code of the authentication amount should be the same as the currency code of the order amount.
In case you don't provide an authentication amount we will use the order amount for the authentication automatically.
amount | integer (12) | yes | read close |
DescriptionAmount in cents and always having 2 decimals
currencyCode | string (3) | yes | read close |
DescriptionThree-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
authenticationFlow | string | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates whether a transaction is performed in-app using an EMVco certified mobile SDK or inside a browser. Allowed values:
Note: We will add support for the in-app flow in a future release. |
challengeCanvasSize | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionDimensions of the challenge window that potentially will be displayed to the customer. The challenge content is formatted to appropriately render in this window to provide the best possible user experience.
Preconfigured sizes are width x height in pixels of the window displayed in the customer browser window. Possible values are:
challengeIndicator | string | no | read close |
DescriptionAllows you to indicate if you want the customer to be challenged for extra security on this transaction.
Possible values:
exemptionRequest | string | no | read close |
DescriptionType of strong customer authentication (SCA) exemption requested for this transaction. Possible values:
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing 3D secure details.
acsTransactionId | string (36) | no | read close |
DescriptionIdentifier of the authenticated transaction at the ACS/Issuer.
appliedExemption | string (4) | no | read close |
DescriptionExemption code from Carte Bancaire (130) (unknown possible values so far -free format).
cavv | string (50) | no depends no depends no | read close |
DescriptionThe CAVV (cardholder authentication verification value) or AAV (accountholder authentication value) provides an authentication validation value.
cavvAlgorithm | string (1) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe algorithm, from your 3D Secure provider, used to generate the authentication CAVV.
directoryServerTransactionId | string (36) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure Directory Server transaction ID that is used for the 3D Authentication
eci | integer (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionElectronic Commerce Indicator provides authentication validation results returned after AUTHENTICATIONVALIDATION
schemeRiskScore | integer (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionGlobal score calculated by the Carte Bancaire (130) Scoring platform. Possible values from 0 to 99.
threeDSecureVersion | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure version used for the authentication. Possible values:
threeDServerTransactionId | string (36) | no | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionThe 3-D Secure Server transaction ID that is used for the 3-D Secure version 2 Authentication.
validationResult | string (1) | no depends no depends no | read close |
DescriptionThe 3D Secure authentication result from your 3D Secure provider.
xid | string (50) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe transaction ID that is used for the 3D Authentication
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing data regarding the customer authentication that occurred prior to the current transaction
acsTransactionId | string (36) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe ACS Transaction ID for a prior 3-D Secure authenticated transaction (for example, the first recurring transaction that was authenticated with the customer)
method | string | no | read close |
DescriptionMethod of authentication used for this transaction.
Possible values:
utcTimestamp | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionTimestamp in UTC (YYYYMMDDHHmm) of the 3-D Secure authentication of this transaction
object | depends depends yes depends no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing browser specific redirection related data
returnUrl | string (512) | depends depends yes depends no | read close |
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
variant | string | no | read close |
DescriptionUsing the Configuration Center it is possible to create multiple variations of your MyCheckout payment pages. The redirection flow for 3-D Secure uses the MyCheckout payment pages to display the following types of pages:
Note: In case you have defined a Dynamic 3D Secure rule that takes the variant into account this will only work if you explicitly specify the ID using this property. |
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing rendering options of the device.
sdkInterface | string | no | read close |
DescriptionLists all of the SDK Interface types that the device supports for displaying specific challenge user interfaces within the SDK.
sdkUiType | string | no | read close |
Please use cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.threeDSecure.sdkData.deviceRenderOptions.sdkUiTypes
DescriptionLists all UI types that the device supports for displaying specific challenge user interfaces within the SDK.
sdkUiTypes | array | no | read close |
DescriptionLists all UI types that the device supports for displaying specific challenge user interfaces within the SDK.
sdkAppId | string (36) | no | read close |
DescriptionUniversally unique ID created upon all installations and updates of your app on a c Device. This will be newly generated and stored by the 3DS SDK for each installation or update
sdkEncryptedData | string (64000) | no | read close |
DescriptionJWE Object containing data encrypted by the 3-D Secure SDK
sdkEphemeralPublicKey | string (256) | no | read close |
DescriptionPublic key component of the ephemeral key pair generated by the 3-D Secure SDK and used to establish session keys between the 3-D Secure SDK and ACS.
sdkMaxTimeout | string (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates maximum amount of time (in minutes) for all exchanges. Minimum amount of minutes is 5.
sdkReferenceNumber | string (32) | no | read close |
DescriptionIdentifies the vendor and version for the 3-D Secure SDK that is integrated in your app, assigned by EMVCo when the 3-D Secure SDK is approved.
sdkTransactionId | string (36) | no | read close |
DescriptionUniversally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3-D Secure SDK to identify a single transaction.
skipAuthentication | boolean | no | read close |
transactionRiskLevel | string | no | read close |
DescriptionIn case you performed your own risk analysis, you can send us the results. This will be used by us in case you submit the value automatic for the exemptionRequest property.
Possible values for this property are:
token | string (40) | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the token that holds previously stored card data. If both the token and card are provided, then the card takes precedence over the token.
tokenize | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if this transaction should be tokenized
transactionChannel | enum | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates the channel via which the payment is created. Allowed values:
unscheduledCardOnFileIndicator | string | no | read close |
Use unscheduledCardOnFileSequenceIndicator instead.
Note: this property is not allowed if isRecurring is true. |
unscheduledCardOnFileRequestor | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionIndicates which party initiated the unscheduled recurring transaction. Allowed values:
Note: this property is not allowed if isRecurring is true. |
unscheduledCardOnFileSequenceIndicator | string | depends | read close |
Note: this property is not allowed if isRecurring is true. |
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the specific input details for cash payments
object | no | read close | |
No replacement
DescriptionObject that holds the specific data for Boleto Bancario in Brazil (payment product 1503)
returnUrl | string (512) | no | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the specific data for Konbini in Japan (payment product 1504)
returnUrl | string (512) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the specific data for e-Pay (payment product 1521).
returnUrl | string (512) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the specific data for Tesco - Paysbuy Cash (payment product 1522).
returnUrl | string (512) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the specific data for ATM Transfers Indonesia(payment product 1523).
returnUrl | string (512) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the specific data for DragonPay (payment product 1524).
returnUrl | string (512) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the specific data for 7-11 MOLPay Cash (payment product 1526).
returnUrl | string (512) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
paymentProductId | integer (5) | depends | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the specific input details for direct debit payments
dateCollect | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionDirect Debit payment collection date
Format: YYYYMMDD |
directDebitText | string (50) | yes | read close |
DescriptionDescriptor intended to identify the transaction on the customer's bank statement
isRecurring | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if this transaction is of a one-off or a recurring type
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing UK Direct Debit specific details
authorisationId | string (18) | depends | read close |
DescriptionCore reference number for the direct debit instruction in UK
object | yes | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing account holder name and bank account information
accountHolderName | string (30) | depends | read close |
DescriptionName of the account holder
accountNumber | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionBank account number
bankCode | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionBank code
bankName | string (40) | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the bank
branchCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionBranch code
checkDigit | string | no | read close |
DescriptionBank check digit
countryCode | string (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country where the bank account is held
For UK payouts this value is automatically set to GB as only payouts to UK accounts are supported.
transactionType | string | yes | read close |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing ACH specific details
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing account holder name and bank account information
accountHolderName | string (30) | depends | read close |
DescriptionName of the account holder
accountNumber | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionBank account number
bankCode | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionBank code
bankName | string (40) | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the bank
branchCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionBranch code
checkDigit | string | no | read close |
DescriptionBank check digit
countryCode | string (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country where the bank account is held
For UK payouts this value is automatically set to GB as only payouts to UK accounts are supported.
paymentProductId | integer (5) | depends | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator | string | depends | read close |
requiresApproval | boolean | no | read close |
token | string (40) | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the stored token that contains the bank account details to be debited
tokenize | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if this transaction should be tokenized
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the specific input details for e-invoice payments.
acceptedTermsAndConditions | boolean | yes | read close |
DescriptionIndicates that the customer has read and accepted the terms and conditions of the product before proceeding with the payment. This must be done before the payment can continue. An URL to the terms and conditions can be retrieved with Get payment product.
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the specific data for AfterPay Installments (payment product 9000).
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the bank account details of the customer.
accountHolderName | string (30) | depends | read close |
DescriptionName in which the account is held.
iban | string (50) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe IBAN is the International Bank Account Number. It is an internationally agreed format for the BBAN and includes the ISO country code and two check digits.
installmentId | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionThe ID of the installment plan selected by the customer. Installment plans can be retrieved with Get payment product.
paymentProductId | integer (5) | depends | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
requiresApproval | boolean | no | read close |
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the specific input details for invoice payments
additionalReference | string (20) | no | read close |
DescriptionYour (additional) reference identifier for this transaction. Data supplied in this property will also be returned in our report files, allowing you to reconcile the incoming funds.
paymentProductId | integer (5) | depends | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the specific input details for mobile payments.
Mobile payments produce the required payment data in encrypted form.
authorizationMode | enum | no | read close |
DescriptionDetermines the type of the authorization that will be used. Allowed values:
customerReference | string (17) | no | read close |
DescriptionReference of the customer for the payment (purchase order #, etc.). Only used with some acquirers.
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionThe payment data if you do the decryption of the encrypted payment data yourself.
authMethod | string (50) | depends | read close |
Use paymentMethod instead
DescriptionThe type of payment credential which the customer used.
cardholderName | string (51) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe card holder's name on the card. Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 51 characters.
cryptogram | string (55) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe 3D secure online payment cryptogram.
dpan | string (19) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe device specific PAN.
eci | integer (2) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe eci is Electronic Commerce Indicator.
expiryDate | string (4) | yes | read close |
DescriptionExpiry date of the card
Format: MMYY.
pan | string (19) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe non-device specific complete credit/debit card number (also know as the PAN).
paymentMethod | enum | depends | read close |
Group encryptedPaymentData | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe payment data if we will do the decryption of the encrypted payment data.
Typically you'd use encryptedCustomerInput in the root of the create payment request to provide the encrypted payment data instead.
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing information specific to Google Pay
cardholderName | string (51) | no depends no depends no | read close |
DescriptionThe card holder's name on the card. Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 51 characters.
The encrypted payment data can be found in property of the PaymentData.toJson() result. |
object | no depends yes depends no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing specific data regarding 3-D Secure
challengeCanvasSize | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionDimensions of the challenge window that potentially will be displayed to the customer. The challenge content is formatted to appropriately render in this window to provide the best possible user experience.
Preconfigured sizes are width x height in pixels of the window displayed in the customer browser window. Possible values are:
challengeIndicator | string | no | read close |
DescriptionAllows you to indicate if you want the customer to be challenged for extra security on this transaction.
Possible values:
exemptionRequest | string | no | read close |
DescriptionType of strong customer authentication (SCA) exemption requested for this transaction. Possible values:
object | no depends yes depends no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing browser specific redirection related data
returnUrl | string (512) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
variant | string | no | read close |
DescriptionUsing the Configuration Center it is possible to create multiple variations of your MyCheckout payment pages. The redirection flow for 3-D Secure uses the MyCheckout payment pages to display the following types of pages:
Note: In case you have defined a Dynamic 3D Secure rule that takes the variant into account this will only work if you explicitly specify the ID using this property. |
skipAuthentication | boolean | no | read close |
paymentProductId | integer (5) | depends | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
requiresApproval | boolean | no | read close |
skipFraudService | boolean | no | read close |
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the specific input details for payments that involve redirects to 3rd parties to complete, like iDeal and PayPal
expirationPeriod | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionThis sets the maximum amount of minutes a customer has to complete the payment at the bank. After this period has expired it is impossible for the customer to make a payment and in case no payment has been made the transaction will be marked as unsuccessful and expired by the bank. Setting the expirationPeriod is convenient if you want to maximise the time a customer has to complete the payment. Please note that it is normal for a customer to take up to 5 minutes to complete a payment. Setting this value below 10 minutes is not advised.
You can set this value in minutes with a maximum value of 60 minutes. If no input is provided the default value of 60 is used for the transaction. This value can be set for the following payment products
isRecurring | boolean | no | read close |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing specific input required for UPI (Payment product ID 4101)
displayName | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe merchant name as shown to the customer in some payment applications.
integrationType | enum | no | read close |
DescriptionThe value of this property must be 'vpa', 'desktopQRCode', or 'urlIntent'.
virtualPaymentAddress | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe Virtual Payment Address (VPA) of the customer. The '+' character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing specific input required for Dutch iDeal payments (Payment product ID 809)
expirationPeriod | string (2) | no | read close |
Use redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput.expirationPeriod instead
DescriptionThis sets the maximum amount of minutes a customer has to complete the payment at the bank. After this period has expired it is impossible for the customer to make a payment and in case no payment has been made the transaction will be marked as unsuccessful and expired by the bank. Setting the expirationPeriod is convenient if you want to maximise the time a customer has to complete the payment. Please note that it is normal for a customer to take up to 5 minutes to complete a payment. Setting this value below 10 minutes is not advised.
You can set this value in minutes with a maximum value of 60 minutes. If no input is provided the default value of 60 is used for the transaction. |
issuerId | string (11) | depends | read close |
DescriptionID of the issuing bank of the customer. A list of available issuerIDs can be obtained by using the retrieve payment product directory API.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing specific input required for PayPal payments (Payment product ID 840)
addressSelectionAtPayPal | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionFor payments processed by the Worldline Ogone Payment Platform, indicates whether to allow the customer to select an address on the PayPal website.
custom | string | no | read close |
use order.references.descriptor instead.
DescriptionA free text string that you can send to PayPal. With a special agreement between PayPal and you, PayPal uses the data in that property, for custom services they offer to you.
isShortcut | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionDeprecated: If your PayPal payments are processed by Worldline's Ogone Payment Platform, please use the property addressSelectionAtPayPal instead. Indicates whether to use PayPal Express Checkout for payments processed by Worldline's GlobalCollect Payment Platform.
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing specific input required for AliPay payments (Payment product ID 861)
mobileDevice | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionThis indicates that a customer is on a mobile device and it is used to distinguish whether a customer should be redirected to AliPay Desktop or Mobile. Alternatively, if you cannot determine whether a customer is on a mobile device or not, a customer can be redirected to AliPay Mobile if the property CreatePaymentRequest.order.customer.device.userAgent is supplied.
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing specific input required for We Chat Pay payments (Payment product ID 863)
integrationType | enum | yes | read close |
DescriptionThe type of integration with WeChat. Possible values:
openId | string (128) | depends | read close |
DescriptionAn openId of a customer.
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing specific input required for China UnionPay payments (Payment product ID 869)
issuerId | string (11) | depends | read close |
DescriptionID of the issuing bank of the customer. A list of available issuerIDs can be obtained by using the retrieve payment product directory API.
residentIdName | string (50) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe name as described on the Resident Identity Card of the People's Republic of China.
residentIdNumber | string (18) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe identification number as described on the Resident Identity Card of the People's Republic of China.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing specific input required for Indian Net Banking payments (Payment product ID 882)
issuerId | string (11) | depends | read close |
DescriptionID of the issuing bank of the customer. A list of available issuerIDs can be obtained by using the retrieve payment product directory API.
paymentProductId | integer (5) | depends | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator | string | depends | read close |
Note: For any first of a recurring the system will automatically create a token as you will need to use a token for any subsequent recurring transactions. In case a token already exists this is indicated in the response with a value of False for the isNewToken property in the response. |
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing browser specific redirection related data
returnUrl | string (512) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
variant | string | no | read close |
DescriptionUsing the Configuration Center it is possible to create multiple variations of your MyCheckout payment pages. All redirection using a POST method will load a page in the browser of the consumer that performs the actual redirection. This page contains a message to the consumer explaining what is happening. By specifying a specific variant you can force the use of another variant than the default. This allows you to test out the effect of certain changes to your MyCheckout payment pages in a controlled manner. Please note that you need to specify the ID instead of the name of the variant.
requiresApproval | boolean | no | read close |
Note: This property is supported by the Ogone Payment Platform for all redirect payment methods and only for PayPal in GlobalCollect Payment Platform. |
returnUrl | string (512) | no | read close |
Use redirectionData.returnUrl instead
DescriptionThe URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
token | string (40) | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the token
tokenize | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if this transaction should be tokenized
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the specific input details for SEPA direct debit payments
dateCollect | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionChanged date for direct debit collection. Only relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.
Format: YYYYMMDD |
directDebitText | string (50) | depends | read close |
DescriptionDescription of the transaction that will appear on the customer bank statement to aid the customer in recognizing the transaction. Only relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.
isRecurring | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if this transaction is of a one-off or a recurring type. Only relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing information specific to SEPA Direct Debit
Group existingUniqueMandateReference | string | one of the group | read close |
DescriptionThe unique reference of the existing mandate to use in this payment.
object | one of the group | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing information to create a SEPA Direct Debit mandate.
alias | string | no | read close |
DescriptionAn alias for the mandate. This can be used to visually represent the mandate.
Do not include any unobfuscated sensitive data in the alias. Default value if not provided is the obfuscated IBAN of the customer. |
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionCustomer object containing customer specific inputs
object | depends | read close | |
accountHolderName | string (30) | depends | read close |
DescriptionName in which the account is held.
iban | string (50) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe IBAN is the International Bank Account Number. It is an internationally agreed format for the BBAN and includes the ISO country code and two check digits.
companyName | string (40) | no | read close |
DescriptionName of company, as a customer
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing contact details like email address and phone number
emailAddress | string (70) | no | read close |
DescriptionEmail address of the customer
object | depends | read close | |
city | string (40) | depends | read close |
countryCode | string (2) | depends | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
houseNumber | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionHouse number
street | string (50) | depends | read close |
zip | string (10) | depends | read close |
DescriptionZip code
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing personal information of the customer
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the name details of the customer
firstName | string (15) | depends | read close |
DescriptionGiven name(s) or first name(s) of the customer
surname | string (70) | depends | read close |
DescriptionSurname(s) or last name(s) of the customer
title | enum | depends | read close |
DescriptionObject containing the title of the customer (Mr, Miss or Mrs)
customerReference | string (35) | yes | read close |
DescriptionThe unique identifier of a customer
language | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe language code of the customer, one of de, en, es, fr, it, nl, si, sk, sv.
recurrenceType | enum | yes | read close |
DescriptionSpecifies whether the mandate is for one-off or recurring payments. Possible values are:
returnUrl | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionReturn URL to use if the mandate signing requires redirection.
Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first. URLs without a protocol will be rejected. |
signatureType | enum | yes | read close |
DescriptionSpecifies whether the mandate is unsigned or singed by SMS. Possible values are:
uniqueMandateReference | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe unique identifier of the mandate
mandateReference | string (35) | no | read close |
Use existingUniqueMandateReference or mandate.uniqueMandateReference instead
DescriptionA mandate ID to create a mandate under if the information to create a mandate has been supplied. Otherwise refers to the mandate to retrieve and use in the payment.
paymentProductId | integer (5) | depends | read close |
DescriptionPayment product identifier
Please see payment products for a full overview of possible values. |
recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionOnly relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.
requiresApproval | boolean | no | read close |
token | string (40) | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the token that holds previously stored SEPA Direct Debit account and mandate data. Only relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.
tokenize | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if this transaction should be tokenized. Only relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.
encryptedCustomerInput | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionData that was encrypted client side containing all customer entered data elements like card data.
Note: Because this data can only be submitted once to our system and contains encrypted card data you should not store it. As the data was captured within the context of a client session you also need to submit it to us before the session has expired. |
object | no depends no depends yes | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing additional data that will be used to assess the risk of fraud
addressesAreIdentical | boolean | no | read close |
For risk assessments there is no replacement. For other calls, please use order.shipping.addressIndicator to indicate that the billing and shipping address are identical.
DescriptionIndicates that invoice and shipping addresses are equal.
blackListData | string (50) | no | read close |
DescriptionAdditional black list input
object | no | read close | |
This should be the same as order.customer.billingAddress
DescriptionThe address that belongs to the owner of the card
additionalInfo | string (50) | no | read close |
DescriptionAdditional address information. The additionalInfo is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
city | string | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
Note: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 40 but 20. |
countryCode | string (2) | no depends no yes yes | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
houseNumber | string (15) | depends | read close |
DescriptionHouse number. The houseNumber is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
state | string (35) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionFull name of the state or province
stateCode | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-2 alpha-3 state code
street | string (50) | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
zip | string | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
DescriptionZip code
Note: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 10 but 8. |
customerIpAddress | string (45) | no depends no depends yes | read close |
DescriptionThe IP Address of the customer that is making the payment. The '+' character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
defaultFormFill | string | no | read close |
Use order.customer.device.defaultFormFill instead
DescriptionDegree of default form fill, with the following possible values:
deviceFingerprintActivated | boolean | no | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionIndicates that the device fingerprint has been used while processing the order.
deviceFingerprintTransactionId | string | no | read close |
Use order.customer.device.deviceFingerprintTransactionId instead
DescriptionOne must set the deviceFingerprintTransactionId received by the response of the endpoint /{merchant}/products/{paymentProductId}/deviceFingerprint
giftCardType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionOne of the following gift card types:
giftMessage | string (160) | no | read close |
DescriptionGift message
hasForgottenPwd | boolean | no | read close |
Use order.customer.account.hasForgottenPassword instead
DescriptionSpecifies if the customer (initially) had forgotten their password
hasPassword | boolean | no | read close |
Use order.customer.account.hasPassword instead
DescriptionSpecifies if the customer entered a password to gain access to an account registered with the you
isPreviousCustomer | boolean | no | read close |
Use order.customer.isPreviousCustomer instead
DescriptionSpecifies if the customer has a history of online shopping with the merchant
orderTimezone | string (2) | no depends no no yes | read close |
DescriptionTimezone in which the order was placed. The '+' character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
shipComments | string (160) | no | read close |
Use order.shipping.comments instead
DescriptionComments included during shipping
shipmentTrackingNumber | string (19) | no | read close |
Use order.shipping.trackingNumber instead
DescriptionShipment tracking number
object | no | read close | |
No replacement
DescriptionDetails on how the order is shipped to the customer
methodDetails | string (50) | no | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionDetails regarding the shipping method
methodSpeed | integer | no | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionShipping method speed indicator
methodType | integer | no | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionShipping method type indicator
userData | array | no | read close |
DescriptionArray of up to 16 userData properties, each with a max length of 256 characters, that can be used for fraudscreening
website | string (60) | no | read close |
Use merchant.websiteUrl instead
DescriptionThe website from which the purchase was made
object | no depends no no yes | read close | |
configurationId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionIn case your account has been setup with multiple configurations you can use this property to identify the one you would like to use for the transaction. Note that you can only submit preconfigured values in combination with the Worldline Online Payments Acceptance platform. In case no value is supplied a default value of 0 will be submitted to the Worldline Online Payments Acceptance platform. The Worldline Online Payments Acceptance platform internally refers to this as a PosId.
contactWebsiteUrl | string (2048) | no | read close |
DescriptionURL to find contact or support details to contact in case of questions.
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
additionalInfo | string (50) | no | read close |
DescriptionAdditional address information. The additionalInfo is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
city | string | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
Note: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 40 but 20. |
countryCode | string (2) | yes | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
houseNumber | string (15) | depends | read close |
DescriptionHouse number. The houseNumber is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
state | string (35) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionFull name of the state or province
stateCode | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-2 alpha-3 state code
street | string (50) | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
zip | string | depends depends no depends depends | read close |
DescriptionZip code
Note: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 10 but 8. |
channelCode | string (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionThis property is specific to Visa Argentina. Channelcode according to Prisma. Please contact the acquirer to get the full list you need to use.
description | string (32) | no | read close |
DescriptionDescription of the seller
externalReferenceId | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionSeller ID assigned by the Merchant Aggregator
geocode | string (5) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe sellers geocode
id | string (40) | no depends no yes no | read close |
DescriptionThe sellers identifier
invoiceNumber | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionInvoice number of the payment
isForeignRetailer | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if the retailer is considered foreign or domestic when compared to the location of the marketplace. Possible values:
mcc | string (5) | no | read close |
DescriptionMerchant category code
name | string (128) | no depends no yes no | read close |
DescriptionName of the seller
phoneNumber | string (32) | no | read close |
DescriptionMain Phone Number
type | string | no depends no yes no | read close |
DescriptionSeller type. Possible values:
websiteUrl | string (60) | no depends no no yes | read close |
DescriptionThe website from which the purchase was made. The '+' character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
object | yes | read close | |
DescriptionOrder object containing order related data
Please note that this object is required to be able to submit the amount.
object | no depends no depends yes | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing additional input on the order
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing specific data regarding the recipient of an account funding transaction
accountNumber | string (50) | depends | read close |
DescriptionShould be populated with the value of the corresponding accountNumberType of the recipient.
accountNumberType | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionDefines the account number type of the recipient. Possible values are:
object | yes | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the address details of the recipient of an account funding transaction.
additionalInfo | string (50) | no | read close |
DescriptionAdditional address information. The additionalInfo is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
city | string | no | read close |
countryCode | string (2) | yes | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
houseNumber | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionHouse number. The houseNumber is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
state | string (35) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionFull name of the state or province
stateCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionISO 3166-2 alpha-3 state code
street | string (50) | no | read close |
zip | string | no | read close |
DescriptionZip Code
dateOfBirth | string (8) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe date of birth of the recipient
Format: YYYYMMDD |
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the name details of the recipient of an account funding transaction.
firstName | string (15) | yes | read close |
DescriptionGiven name(s) or first name(s) of the recipient of an account funding transaction.
surname | string (70) | yes | read close |
DescriptionSurname(s) or last name(s) of the customer
partialPan | string (10) | depends | read close |
DescriptionEither partialPan or accountnumber is required for merchants that use Merchant Category Code (MCC) 6012 for transactions involving UK costumers.
object | no depends no depends depends | read close | |
agentNumericCode | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionNumeric code identifying the agent
code | string (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionAirline numeric code
flightDate | string (8) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionDate of the Flight
Format: YYYYMMDD |
array of object | no depends no no depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the data on the individual legs of the ticket
object | no | read close | |
airlineClass | string | no | read close |
DescriptionReservation Booking Designator
arrivalAirport | string (3) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionArrival airport/city code
arrivalTime | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe arrival time in the local time zone
Format: HH:MM |
carrierCode | string (2) | no | read close |
DescriptionIATA carrier code
conjunctionTicket | string (14) | no | read close |
DescriptionIdentifying number of a ticket issued to a passenger in conjunction with this ticket and that constitutes a single contract of carriage
couponNumber | string (1) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe coupon number associated with this leg of the trip. A ticket can contain several legs of travel, and each leg of travel requires a separate coupon
date | string (8) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionDate of the leg
Format: YYYYMMDD |
departureTime | string (6) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe departure time in the local time at the departure airport
Format: HH:MM |
endorsementOrRestriction | string (20) | no | read close |
DescriptionAn endorsement can be an agency-added notation or a mandatory government required notation, such as value-added tax. A restriction is a limitation based on the type of fare, such as a ticket with a 3-day minimum stay
exchangeTicket | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionNew ticket number that is issued when a ticket is exchanged
fare | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionFare of this leg
fareBasis | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionFare Basis/Ticket Designator
fee | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionFee for this leg of the trip
flightNumber | string (4) | depends | read close |
DescriptionThe flight number assigned by the airline carrier with no leading spaces
Should be a numeric string |
number | integer (5) | no | read close |
DescriptionSequence number of the flight leg
originAirport | string (3) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionOrigin airport/city code
passengerClass | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPassengerClass if this leg
serviceClass | enum | no | read close |
Use passengerClass instead
DescriptionServiceClass of this leg (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform).
Possible values are:
stopoverCode | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionPossible values are:
taxes | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionTaxes for this leg of the trip
invoiceNumber | string (6) | no | read close |
DescriptionAirline tracing number
isETicket | boolean | no | read close |
isRegisteredCustomer | boolean | no | read close |
Use order.customer.accountType instead
isRestrictedTicket | boolean | no | read close |
isThirdParty | boolean | no | read close |
issueDate | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThis is the date of issue recorded in the airline system
In a case of multiple issuances of the same ticket to a cardholder, you should use the last ticket date.
Format: YYYYMMDD |
merchantCustomerId | string (16) | no | read close |
DescriptionYour ID of the customer in the context of the airline data
name | string (20) | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the airline
numberInParty | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionTotal number of passengers in the party. If the the property numberInParty is not present, then the number of passengers will be used on the WL Online Payment Acceptance Platform.
passengerName | string (49) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionName of passenger
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the data on the individual passengers (this object is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
object | no | read close | |
firstName | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionFirst name of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
surname | string (70) | no | read close |
DescriptionSurname of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
surnamePrefix | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionSurname prefix of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
title | string (35) | no | read close |
DescriptionTitle of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
placeOfIssue | string (15) | no | read close |
DescriptionPlace of issue
For sales in the US the last two characters (pos 14-15) must be the US state code. |
pnr | string (127) | no depends no no depends | read close |
DescriptionPassenger name record
pointOfSale | string (25) | no | read close |
DescriptionIATA point of sale name
posCityCode | string (10) | no | read close |
Descriptioncity code of the point of sale
ticketDeliveryMethod | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPossible values:
ticketNumber | string (13) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe ticket or document number. On the Ogone Payment Platform and the GlobalCollect Payment Platform it contains:
totalFare | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionTotal fare for all legs on the ticket, excluding taxes and fees. If multiple tickets are purchased, this is the total fare for all tickets
totalFee | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionTotal fee for all legs on the ticket. If multiple tickets are purchased, this is the total fee for all tickets
totalTaxes | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionTotal taxes for all legs on the ticket. If multiple tickets are purchased, this is the total taxes for all tickets
travelAgencyName | string (25) | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the travel agency issuing the ticket. For direct airline integration, leave this property blank on the Ogone Payment Platform.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing data related to installments which can be used for card payments and only with some acquirers. In case you send in the details of this object, only the combination of card products and acquirers that do support installments will be shown on the MyCheckout hosted payment pages.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThe amount that will be paid per installment. The total amount of amountOfMoneyPerInstallment x numberOfInstallments can not be higher than the total amount of this transaction, although we will not validate that.
For the payment product IDs BC Card (paymentProductId 8590), Hana Card (paymentProductId 8591), Hyundai Card (paymentProductId 8592), KB Card (paymentProductId 8593), Lotte Card (paymentProductId 8594), NH Card (paymentProductId 8595), Samsung Card (paymentProductId 8596) and Shinhan Card (paymentProductId 8597), this property is not used as the value is decided by the issuer.
amount | integer (12) | yes | read close |
DescriptionAmount in cents and always having 2 decimals
currencyCode | string (3) | yes | read close |
DescriptionThree-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing the total amount and ISO currency code attributes
amount | integer (12) | yes | read close |
DescriptionAmount in cents and always having 2 decimals
currencyCode | string (3) | yes | read close |
DescriptionThree-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
frequencyOfInstallments | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe frequency in which the installments will be collected from the customer.
The possible values are:
For the payment product IDs BC Card (paymentProductId 8590), Hana Card (paymentProductId 8591), Hyundai Card (paymentProductId 8592), KB Card (paymentProductId 8593), Lotte Card (paymentProductId 8594), NH Card (paymentProductId 8595), Samsung Card (paymentProductId 8596) and Shinhan Card (paymentProductId 8597), only the value monthly is valid. |
installmentPlanCode | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionThe code for the installment plan. The possible values are:
interestRate | string | no | read close |
DescriptionThe interest rate paid for installments expressed in percentage. So for example 5.75 means 5.75%
For the payment product IDs BC Card (paymentProductId 8590), Hana Card (paymentProductId 8591), Hyundai Card (paymentProductId 8592), KB Card (paymentProductId 8593), Lotte Card (paymentProductId 8594), NH Card (paymentProductId 8595), Samsung Card (paymentProductId 8596) and Shinhan Card (paymentProductId 8597), this property is not used as the value is decided by the issuer. |
numberOfInstallments | integer (5) | no depends no yes no | read close |
DescriptionThe number of installments in which this transaction will be paid, which can be used for card payments at supported acquirers, or with specific payment products. Only used with some acquirers. In case you send in the details of this object, only the payment products (or combination of card products and acquirers) that support installments will be shown on the MyCheckout hosted payment pages. If this property is not provided the customer will not see details on the installment plan in a HostedCheckout.
For the payment product IDs BC Card (paymentProductId 8590), Hana Card (paymentProductId 8591), Hyundai Card (paymentProductId 8592), KB Card (paymentProductId 8593), Lotte Card (paymentProductId 8594), NH Card (paymentProductId 8595), Samsung Card (paymentProductId 8596) and Shinhan Card (paymentProductId 8597), there is a maximum of 12 installments. |
object | no | read close | |
Use order.shoppingCart.amountBreakdown instead
DescriptionObject that holds Level3 summary data
discountAmount | integer (12) | no | read close |
Use order.shoppingCart.amountBreakdown with type DISCOUNT instead
DescriptionDiscount on the entire transaction, with the last 2 digits are implied decimal places
dutyAmount | integer (12) | no | read close |
Use order.shoppingCart.amountBreakdown with type DUTY instead
DescriptionDuty on the entire transaction, with the last 2 digits are implied decimal places
shippingAmount | integer (12) | no | read close |
Use order.shoppingCart.amountBreakdown with type SHIPPING instead
DescriptionShippingcost on the entire transaction, with the last 2 digits are implied decimal places
object | depends | read close | |
No replacement
DescriptionObject containing specific data regarding the recipient of a loan in the UK
accountNumber | string (10) | depends | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionShould be filled with the last 10 digits of the bank account number of the recipient of the loan.
dateOfBirth | string (8) | depends | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionThe date of birth of the customer of the recipient of the loan.
Format: YYYYMMDD |
partialPan | string (10) | depends | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionShould be filled with the first 6 and last 4 digits of the PAN number of the recipient of the loan.
surname | string (12) | depends | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionSurname of the recipient of the loan.
zip | string (10) | depends | read close |
No replacement
DescriptionZip code of the recipient of the loan
object | no | read close | |
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds lodging related charges
object | no | read close | |
chargeAmount | integer (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionAmount of additional charges associated with the stay of the guest.
Note: The currencyCode is presumed to be identical to the order.amountOfMoney.currencyCode. |
chargeAmountCurrencyCode | string (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionCurrency for Charge amount. The code should be in 3 letter ISO format.
chargeType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionType of additional charges associated with the stay of the guest.
Allowed values:
checkInDate | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe date the guest checks into (or plans to check in to) the facility.
Format: YYYYMMDD |
checkOutDate | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe date the guest checks out of (or plans to check out of) the facility.
Format: YYYYMMDD |
folioNumber | string (25) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe Lodging Folio Number assigned to the itemized statement of charges and credits associated with this lodging stay, which can be any combination of characters and numerals defined by the Merchant or authorized Third Party Processor.
isConfirmedReservation | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates whether the room reservation is confirmed.
isFacilityFireSafetyConform | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionDefines whether or not the facility conforms to the requirements of the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990, or similar legislation.
isNoShow | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicate if this the customer is a no show case. In such case, the lodging property can charge a no show fee.
isPreferenceSmokingRoom | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicated the preference of the customer for a smoking or non-smoking room.
numberOfAdults | integer (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe total number of adult guests staying (or planning to stay) at the facility (i.e., all booked rooms)
numberOfNights | integer (4) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe number of nights for the lodging stay
numberOfRooms | integer (4) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe number of rooms rented for the lodging stay
programCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCode that corresponds to the category of lodging charges detailed in this message.
Allowed values:
propertyCustomerServicePhoneNumber | string (20) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe international customer service phone number of the facility
propertyPhoneNumber | string (20) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe local phone number of the facility in an international phone number format
renterName | string (26) | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the person or business entity charged for the reservation and/or lodging stay
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds lodging related room data
object | no | read close | |
dailyRoomRate | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionDaily room rate exclusive of any taxes and fees
Note: The currencyCode is presumed to be identical to the order.amountOfMoney.currencyCode. |
dailyRoomRateCurrencyCode | string (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionCurrency for Daily room rate. The code should be in 3 letter ISO format
dailyRoomTaxAmount | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionDaily room tax
Note: The currencyCode is presumed to be identical to the order.amountOfMoney.currencyCode. |
dailyRoomTaxAmountCurrencyCode | string (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionCurrency for Daily room tax. The code should be in 3 letter ISO format
numberOfNightsAtRoomRate | integer (4) | no | read close |
DescriptionNumber of nights charged at the rate in the dailyRoomRate property
roomLocation | string (10) | no | read close |
DescriptionLocation of the room within the facility, e.g. Park or Garden etc.
roomNumber | string (6) | no | read close |
DescriptionRoom number
typeOfBed | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionSize of bed, e.g., king, queen, double.
typeOfRoom | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionDescribes the type of room, e.g., standard, deluxe, suite.
numberOfInstallments | integer (5) | no | read close |
Use installments.numberOfInstallments instead.
DescriptionThe number of installments in which this transaction will be paid, which can be used for card payments. Only used with some acquirers. In case you send in the details of this object, only the combination of card products and acquirers that do support installments will be shown on the MyCheckout hosted payment pages.
orderDate | string (14) | no | read close |
DescriptionDate and time of order
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds the purchase and usage type indicators
fundingType | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionIdentifies the funding type being authenticated. Possible values are:
paymentCode | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment code to support account funding transactions. Possible values are:
purchaseType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPossible values are:
transactionType | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionIdentifies the type of transaction being authenticated.
Possible values are:
usageType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPossible values are:
object | yes | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing amount and ISO currency code attributes
amount | integer (12) | yes | read close |
DescriptionAmount in cents and always having 2 decimals
currencyCode | string (3) | yes | read close |
DescriptionThree-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
object | depends | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing data related to the account the customer has with you
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing data on the authentication used by the customer to access their account
data | string (20000) | no | read close |
DescriptionData that documents and supports a specific authentication process submitted using the order.customer.account.authentication.method property. The data submitted using this property will be used by the issuer to validate the used authentication method.
For example, if the order.customer.account.authentication.method is:
method | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionAuthentication used by the customer on your website or app
Possible values :
utcTimestamp | string (12) | no | read close |
DescriptionTimestamp (YYYYMMDDHHmm) of the authentication of the customer to their account with you
changeDate | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe last date (YYYYMMDD) on which the customer made changes to their account with you. These are changes to billing & shipping address details, new payment account (tokens), or new users(s) added.
changedDuringCheckout | boolean | no | read close |
Descriptiontrue = the customer made changes to their account during this checkout
false = the customer didn't change anything to their account during this checkout/n The changes ment here are changes to billing & shipping address details, new payment account (tokens), or new users(s) added. |
createDate | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe date (YYYYMMDD) on which the customer created their account with you
hadSuspiciousActivity | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionSpecifies if you have experienced suspicious activity on the account of the customer
true = you have experienced suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the customer account used for this transaction false = you have experienced no suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the customer account used for this transaction |
hasForgottenPassword | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionSpecifies if the customer (initially) had forgotten their password
hasPassword | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionSpecifies if the customer entered a password to gain access to an account registered with the you
passwordChangeDate | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe last date (YYYYMMDD) on which the customer changed their password for the account used in this transaction
passwordChangedDuringCheckout | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionIndicates if the password of an account is changed during this checkout
true = the customer made changes to their password of the account used during this checkout alse = the customer didn't change anything to their password of the account used during this checkout |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing information on the payment account data on file (tokens)
createDate | string (8) | no | read close |
DescriptionThe date (YYYYMMDD) when the payment account on file was first created.
In case a token is used for the transaction we will use the creation date of the token in our system in case you leave this property empty. |
numberOfCardOnFileCreationAttemptsLast24Hours | integer (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionNumber of attempts made to add new card to the customer account in the last 24 hours
paymentAccountOnFileType | string | depends | read close |
DescriptionIndicates the type of account. For example, for a multi-account card product.
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing data on the purchase history of the customer with you
numberOfPaymentAttemptsLast24Hours | integer (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionNumber of payment attempts (so including unsuccessful ones) made by this customer with you in the last 24 hours
numberOfPaymentAttemptsLastYear | integer (3) | no | read close |
DescriptionNumber of payment attempts (so including unsuccessful ones) made by this customer with you in the last 12 months
numberOfPurchasesLast6Months | integer (4) | no | read close |
DescriptionNumber of successful purchases made by this customer with you in the last 6 months
accountType | string | no | read close |
DescriptionType of the customer account that is used to place this order. Can have one of the following values:
object | depends | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing billing address details