Get payout
Our payout service allows you to easily transfer money directly, either to a card or into a bank account of your choice.
This REST service retrieves the status and additional information of a payout resource. Every payout object has a unique payout resource identifier called payoutId. This is retuned as part of response to the creation of the payout request. This API allows you to retrieve a single payout request based on its payoutId.
No payload is required in the request.
Request example
This scenario you will probably use the most
const sdkResponse = await client.v1.payouts.get("merchantId", "payoutId"); // sdkResponse has the following properties: // - status: the HTTP status code // - body: the response body // - isSuccess: true if the call was successful, // or false if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned an error response
Please find below an overview of the possible responses.
Response 200 - OKPayoutResponse
For every successfully retrieved payout an HTTP 200 response is returned.
Property | Type | Required | Details |
id | string | no | read close |
DescriptionOur unique payout transaction identifier.
object | no | read close | |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject containing amount and ISO currency code attributes
amount | integer (12) | yes | read close |
DescriptionAmount in cents and always having 2 decimals
currencyCode | string (3) | yes | read close |
DescriptionThree-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionObject that holds all reference properties that are linked to this transaction
merchantOrderId | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionYour order ID for this transaction that is also returned in our report files
merchantReference | string | no | read close |
DescriptionYour unique reference of the transaction that is also returned in our report files. This is almost always used for your reconciliation of our report files.
paymentReference | string | no | read close |
DescriptionPayment Reference generated by WebCollect
providerId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionProvides an additional means of reconciliation for Gateway merchants
providerMerchantId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionProvides an additional means of reconciliation, this is the MerchantId used at the provider
providerReference | string | no | read close |
DescriptionProvides an additional means of reconciliation for Gateway merchants
referenceOrigPayment | string | no | read close |
DescriptionWhen you did not supply a merchantReference for your payment, you need to fill this property with the reference of the original payment when you want to refund it
status | enum | no | read close |
DescriptionCurrent high-level status of the payouts in a human-readable form. Possible values are :
Please see Statuses for a full overview of possible values. |
object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis object has the numeric representation of the current payout status, timestamp of last status change and performable action on the current payout resource.
In case of a rejected payout, detailed error information is listed.
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionCustom object contains the set of errors
object | no | read close | |
category | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCategory the error belongs to. The category should give an indication of the type of error you are dealing with.
Possible values:
code | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionError code
httpStatusCode | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionHTTP status code for this error that can be used to determine the type of error
id | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the error. This is a short human-readable message that briefly describes the error.
message | string | no | read close |
DescriptionHuman-readable error message that is not meant to be relayed to customer as it might tip off people who are trying to commit fraud
propertyName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionReturned only if the error relates to a value that was missing or incorrect.
Contains a location path to the value as a JSonata query. Some common examples:
requestId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the request that can be used for debugging purposes
isCancellable | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionFlag indicating if the payment can be cancelled
isRetriable | boolean | no | read close |
DescriptionFlag indicating whether a rejected payment may be retried by the merchant without incurring a fee
array of object | no | read close | |
DescriptionThis is the raw response returned by the acquirer. This property contains unprocessed data directly returned by the acquirer. It's recommended for data analysis only due to its dynamic nature, which may undergo future changes.
object | no | read close | |
key | string | no | read close |
DescriptionName of the key or property
value | string | no | read close |
DescriptionValue of the key or property
statusCategory | enum | no | read close |
DescriptionHighlevel status of the payment, payout or refund with the following possible values:
Please see Statuses for a full overview of possible values. |
statusCode | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionNumeric status code of the legacy API. It is returned to ease the migration from the legacy APIs to Worldline Connect. You should not write new business logic based on this property as it will be deprecated in a future version of the API. The value can also be found in the GlobalCollect Payment Console, in the Ogone BackOffice and in report files.
statusCodeChangeDateTime | string | no | read close |
DescriptionDate and time of payment
Response example
This scenario you will probably use the most
{ "id" : "00000088970000001521000-100001", "payoutOutput" : { "amountOfMoney" : { "amount" : 2345, "currencyCode" : "EUR" }, "references" : { "merchantReference" : "AcmeOrder001", "paymentReference" : "0" } }, "status" : "CANCELLED", "statusOutput" : { "isCancellable" : false, "statusCode" : 9999, "statusCodeChangeDateTime" : "20140707093101" } }
Response 404 - Not foundErrorResponse
In case the payoutId could not be found a HTTP 404 response is returned.
Property | Type | Required | Details |
errorId | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionUnique reference, for debugging purposes, of this error response
array of object | yes | read close | |
DescriptionList of one or more errors
object | no | read close | |
category | string | no | read close |
DescriptionCategory the error belongs to. The category should give an indication of the type of error you are dealing with.
Possible values:
code | string | yes | read close |
DescriptionError code
httpStatusCode | integer | no | read close |
DescriptionHTTP status code for this error that can be used to determine the type of error
id | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the error. This is a short human-readable message that briefly describes the error.
message | string | no | read close |
DescriptionHuman-readable error message that is not meant to be relayed to customer as it might tip off people who are trying to commit fraud
propertyName | string | no | read close |
DescriptionReturned only if the error relates to a value that was missing or incorrect.
Contains a location path to the value as a JSonata query. Some common examples:
requestId | string | no | read close |
DescriptionID of the request that can be used for debugging purposes
Response example
This scenario you will probably use the most
{ "errorId" : "657b10da-d2f9-4088-a948-bf190ef516b1-000002fd", "errors" : [ { "code" : "300240", "message" : "GET_ORDERSTATUS_ORDER_NOT_FOUND" } ] }